2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

The memes are coming. Oh yes, the memes are coming.


Itā€™s sort of funny that a month ago (maybe the debate was 10 years ago who could even know) everyone was like omg Harris has done less than zero what an anchor and now Iā€™m like windmill jamming the tiniest bit of hopium and legitimately happy that I just fell out of a coconut tree.


Thereā€™s been more effective communication about the accomplishments of this administration and what the next will continue to work on in the hours since Biden stepped down than he managed through his entire campaign. I agree that will make a huge difference.




Same, but ā€œhave toā€ vs ā€œdonā€™t have toā€ is a significant legal distinction.

I havenā€™t dug into the weeds on this, but I would be surprised if released delegates are not, at least with respect to states that have bound-delegate rules, free agents.


Her last tweet on the subject. I am curious what she will say going forward.

Also wtf I keep forgetting how young AOC is. Only 34 yo.

As for Bernie!



What is (y)our sideā€™s position

The y isnā€™t snarky, just to prevent anything off topic like whoā€™s in the our

-Freedom to live the life you want to live
-Abortion Rights
-Maintain the current level of social safety net (We need much more obviously)

She can just run on that and itā€™s a winning message in 2024

My avatar is literally making fun of Biden from 2019. And you know I donā€™t want Kamala in a vacuum. But this election is not going to be about how far right or left you are. Itā€™s literally about Fascism vs. Not Fascism. Kamala can sell that better than Biden. Thatā€™s all that matters to me. Resume the fight left later.



Kamala has the staff, cash, offices, endorsements, media buys, and general legitimacy. I donā€™t see how she would not be the nominee.


New diner piece just dropped

Iā€™m not sure why youā€™d think sky was unsure about any of this, but here is the very next line from that email she shared:

I think I agree with skydiver. While I do not think the delegates would be legally bound to vote for Harris, as they would be for Biden if he were in the race, I do think that the vast majority of Biden delegates will vote for Harris, so there wonā€™t be any kind of brokered convention. Harris will step into the role, which is the easiest way to do things, even if she might not be the consensus nominee absent the context of all that has gone before.

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How do they always find the ones with obvious brain trauma?


I was wrong.

As for what delegates will do, it actually seems that Biden released us (though thereā€™s nothing specific in the language so far), but endorsed Kamala. So technically we can vote for whomever we choose.

No one serious or credible is going to jump in against her. It would torch any chances they have to further their careers. Itā€™s the same reason no serious person jumped into the primary a year ago against Biden.

The California delegation has already been asked to endorse Kamala and pledge to vote for her.

I was out canvassing for one of my water board candidates when this all went down, so Iā€™m still catching upā€¦




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This is a dumb statement. Donā€™t say you plan to ā€œearn the nomination,ā€ implicitly assume you have already earned the nomination and call any competitor a usurper. Kamala needs to learn some tricks from Trump.

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