2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

Biden’s opinion is the only one that matters.

Making Hillary mad could bring this nation back together. Honestly some Republican voters might prefer seeing Kamala win just to piss off Hillary.


Why do you say that? The party and donors just pushed him out. I’m sure they could make an open convention happen if they wanted it, and they should want it because it creates good media, Kamala probably has it in the bag anyway but it opens an escape route if she’s a disaster, and if she wins, it gives her greater legitimacy. The argument against it is some vague notion of “chaos,” which no voter actually cares about.


Yeah, Dems should leak that Hillary will be called upon to make a speech at the inauguration about how great it is to have a female President.


from my understanding (i could be wrong) Biden’s delegates have to vote for whoever he tells them to vote for. and Biden has 99% of the delegates right now.

I think in theory i want an open process but I think just uniting behind Kamala has a better probability of a good outcome/less butthurt so is my preferred path forward. Never thought i would ever type those words but these are weird times.


If it is Kamala, which it looks like it will be, imo she should paint herself as an avatar of the Democratic Party. Say she stands ready to work together with everyone’s local members and be a President for all those who vote Democratic (and for all Americans blah blah). All the local members are winning their races by five points. If she can successfully make it Trump vs Democratic Party she will just win.


Generic dem? I like the sound of that guy.


Folks, today is National Ice Cream Day


The fact that it took the party an entire month of bitter fighting to pry the nomination loose from Biden proves how weak they are, not how strong. I don’t see Harris losing the nomination with Biden lined up behind her.



Let’s all spare a moment to lol at Bernie and AOC. So addicted to losing factional struggles that they signed on with their bitterest enemy just to have a chance to taste defeat one more time. Rats scrambling onto a sinking ship for some reason.


This website is so relieved to be able to worship biden again

I agree that they’re rats from way back, but that’s a hard sell on this website

The fact that they got the leader of the free world to quit in such a short time proves how strong they are



I mean you have to like Bernie’s optimism. “We will just make our case to the American people about the policy achievements of the administration! They’re not stupid!”. OK bro. Like on the one hand, lunacy, but on the other hand, this is the sort of thinking that allows you to spend 25 years in the Senate as an independent and not do what I would have done, which is completely lose my fucking mind.

AOC is… she’s a good politician in the micro - you know, running a local campaign, instagram videos of her cooking, sassy tweets etc - but her political instincts in the macro appear to be terrible.


But they are all addicted to saying they are nonpartisan. This is a pipe dream. It’s trump v democracy, and that’s final.

Not the worst idea
