2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

I have less faith in American courts I guess.

Again, I don’t think it’s a huge concern but we are for sure drawing live to this happening.

There were going to be legal challenges regardless. These have no more merit that the challenges to the 2020 election. I’m not saying trust the courts, but I don’t think this moves the bar in terms of allowing the courts to fuck with an election, they already had the power to do that.


whole conversation is dumb, if the courts are really that powerful they would just anoint Trump as the winner they wouldnt even bother trying to mess with the ballots

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I agree we are drawing live. But if we are at the point of open rigging then elections don’t matter at all. 2020 we weren’t there. Are we there in 2024? I don’t think so and hope we aren’t but it’s not impossible.




Huh? Is this a joke post?


if the supreme court can just openly rig the election why would they even bother with keeping kamala off the ballot? we are fucked either way if this is the case

My guess is that they would leave Trump on the ballot regardless of timing and election law.

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Biden has been a very good president and eating the bullet here must be very tough to swallow but he did it. It is very obvious it is the right decision from the outside but imagine actually being Biden. It has to feel like you are getting backstabbed after decades of service to the party/country.


The courts not letting the Democratic Party have their nomination would lead to Democrats being 100% behind court packing.

Which makes it even more impressive he did it. Shows the gulf between his character and Trump. In the same situation Trump never steps down ever under any circumstances.


OH NO. What about Ohio???


100%, but courage is easy to display when the decisions are easy.

Real courage is doing the right thing when the decision is hard.

Even if he had to get dragged kicking and screaming, he eventually did the right thing.


I agree with this. Roberts isn’t stupid - if they want to rig it for Trump, they would let the election go, but just do something like ordering certain ballots to not be counted. Something that makes it less obvious they rigged it - plus if Trump wins, they don’t have to do anything yet (they can save that for his 3rd term).

Barring Harris from the ballot now just creates ton more risk, with no extra upside in terms of the court’s ability to rig things.

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Friends, we live in a world where Hillary Clinton might have to call and congratulate the diversity hire on becoming the first female president. Oh my God. Can you even imagine? “Come on Hillary, kneel and kiss coconut lady’s ring”. She will be SEETHING.


Other Dem leaders are trying to anoint Harris, but this reads to me like Obama wants an open convention. He’s right, but unfortunately it seems like they’re just handing it to her.


How short is our memory. This month they slow walked a case to help Trump and then ruled the next president (highly likely to be Trump at the time) is effectively a dictator.

Anyway, I didnt mean this to be a whole long derail. I don’t think it’s a likely outcome but I have zero faith in SCOTUS to play fair. Nothing they do would surprise me in the slightest.

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Assuming Biden’s senility is the worst case scenario, he was probably just fighting for his son.

Pretty understandable after witnessing Ivanka’s patents, Kushner’s 2 billion, DJT flaunt his coke face on live tv, and Eric murdering an elephant, all while simultaneously being the reason for 2016, the defense in 2020, and, potentially, the biggest scapegoat for the final plunge into authoritarianism.

ETA: @WichitaDM

Sorry for attempting to last word here. My ocd gets the best of me.

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