2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

This is exactly how Biden won in 2020. People wanted stability and a “return to normalcy” coming out of the pandemic. He tapped into that need.

Lol, we don’t have to fade shit. There’s no official D nominee so there’s nothing to challenge.

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I agree, but think she needs to be careful about not going overboard. There are too many misogynists in this country who mistake a woman being forceful as bitching, being strident as whining, etc. She can overdo it is all I’m saying

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I am no expert but reading in lots of places there will be tons of legal challenges.

“Many are saying”. I guess there could be challenges in the sense that anybody can file a lawsuit but they’re going nowhere fast.

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if there’s one thing i trust it’s the american legal system saying no to republicans



its so weird that people are so focused on this and spend actual time worrying about it, if anything you should be rooting for it because Kamala would gain millions of votes if Republicans tried to pull a stunt like this.


I assume the worst any state could do is revert the ballot to Biden/Harris.

I assume no state could be compelled to remove the Democratic Party from the ballot and any that would try is not necessary for Democrats to win anyways.

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Because Trump appointees and SCOTUS are so focussed on the fair application of the law?

I don’t think it’s a major worry but I would not be the slightest bit surprised if we were here in September talking about a SCOTUS ruling taking her off the ballot in one or more states.

IANAL but can Republicans challenge the Democratic Party’s nominating process? Seems like they would lack standing.

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The Dems have never had a nominee for 2024. Excluding their nominee would be some next level shit. If the courts are going to uphold that the 2024 election does not matter at all and all of this discussion about the Dem candidate didn’t matter in the first place.


Lol, Rs have y’all scared of your own shadows. If anybody has any concrete statutes they can cite that would apply here and cause problems for the Ds I’m all ears. But ironically it’s the media that you constantly rail against for setting dishonest narratives that’s getting this fake narrative pushed by Rs into your head.

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Trump used to be a dem HUR DUR

Unless you can cite any specific state+statute you should gtfo with this take.


ActBlue campaign updated


Like a cake maker who doesn’t want to hypothetically make a cake for a nonexistent gay couple?

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Ikes doesn’t understand the current state of play in the courts. It’s really bad but it’s not yet to openly rigging elections. Maybe it will be this time. But again if we are at that point then we are like 10 years past fucked. And maybe we are. But debating what the courts will do with Kamala being the nominee is a very out of touch take imo.


Had Trump been assassinated, and it would have happened prior to his naming Vance for VP, would the Republicans not get to have a candidate on the ballot? Biden is dropping out due to health reasons essentially. His running mate apparently will take his place on the ballot. I don’t see what there is to challenge.


GOP didn’t have a nominee 8 days ago when he almost got got.