2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

He struggles with public speaking.


Finally omg this is awesome.

Was anyone excited about voting for Hillary? My memory is that a lot of us were holding our nose and hoping for the best.

Whereas I feel instantly excited about Kamala. Begging her to bring in Pete for VP. They would be a glorious attack dog combo.

I am also hella looking forward to Kamala debating Trump. Pete would crush the VP debate.


I honestly thought the wine mom thing was because of how Maya Rudolph played it on SNL!!!


Kamala crushed Pence in the VP debate from what i remember. just because she didnt run well against other Dems doesn’t mean she wont run well against Republicans.

and remember that Biden was also having a woeful showing in 2020 before Clyburn endorsed him.

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If you want evidence the Dems are losers: they just couldn’t stop picking at the scab, instead of laughing at the debate criticism and moving on to Trump memes.

lol. You got the right conclusion but whoa boy did you take the wrong path to get there. :joy::joy::joy::joy:

The only candidate who has ever beaten Trump

I mean by EVs sure but Trump has never won the popular vote so that part seems pretty easy.

We can all take solace that iron is 0 for life on being right about any takes like this.


CNN pundit: “I don’t know that anybody’s working on a logo. You need logos for yard signs!”

Guess we gotta convince Joe to run again now.


So funny to see everyone freaking out about only 5 months left to ramp up her campaign.

The longest Canadian election ever was three months start to end.


Trump/Vance signs couldn’t get produced until last week, so…

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Is Van Jones OK?


Wonder how much of the RNC was focused on Kamala? Prob 1% or less?

If you’re going to mock me for that post yet maintain your “Dems are losers” belief, I recommend some self reflection.

Iron decided today was a great day to do a little trolling

He still has COVID, doesn’t he?

You finally got to the dems are awful realization but you used the wrong evidence to get there. Partial credit I guess for accidentally getting to the right conclusion.