2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)


I was on a run and thinking “Wow, Biden doing a quiet quit via COVID sickness to run out the clock more is really on point.”

Glad there was some different news after Joe did church this morning, or whatever olds do on Sundays.

Will also induce Trump into using the “Laughin’ Kamala” moniker which is fucking stupid.


Well, they are the ones who made it so difficult to update.


Must be onion. There was a 100% chance 100% of the discussion with Joe staying in would be he’s old and senile. Trump would get zero heat on his insane drivel and zero policy discussion would get airtime


Biden will still be able to run in 28 after Kamala has outlawed Trump



Don’t think they could even if they wanted to:

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Fuck off


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Haha let’s unite after I talk shit guys


Bye now Ron

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Lol Wolf finally made it to the office


Eh, if the rest of the party leadership wants an open convention - can Biden really stop them? He was pushed out through informal means as well, what’s different about this? Note, I don’t think this is likely.

Genuinely asking, I don’t know.

I dont think there’s anybody who can prevent it, but the mechanics are much like how the 2024 Democratic Primary was technically an Open Primary race.

It seems like Biden, the White House, and most party leaders are coalescing around Kamala and someone would need to mount an actual challenge to that. That would risk throwing the party into turmoil for November and torpedoing their future in the Party as well.

They keep using that line “the only candidate to beat Trump”. There have only been two Trump opponents on the Democratic side, and one of them won. So it’s a 50/50 proposition.


THAT is what you’re thinking about rn?!? ha!

yeah, i was talking to a buddy of mine and emphasizing that last line of yours. i dont know if any of the “big” players that have concrete future presidential aspirations will take a shot in this messy situation, knowing that the risk might be getting ostracized. but who knows.

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Wolf just made good point. Kinda nuts to do this via letter and not live speech.