2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

This one makes the most sense. Pete is young and doesn’t have a great path to the nomination outside the VP route.

She has been killing the stump last few months. Way better than she was in 2020.

I expect the elected Ds to come out in force in support of Harris ASAP. I think that’s the smart thing to do from a self-preservation perspective, plus Biden still has enough juice and savvy to make that a condition of him stepping down.

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I think they can’t get the electoral votes from that state if so.

So a Kamala/Gavin ticket could be eligible to win all states except California.

no chance, Republicans had been running against Hillary for the past 40 years, Harris is still relatively unknown to most of the country which is what you want when you are running against Trump.


Mitt Romney must be having an emotional roller coaster of a day.


EC voters can’t vote for two candidates from their state.

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Interesting. I learned something new today.

What on earth was the logic of that rule?

I swear the more I learn about the constitution the less respect I have for the founders. Just pure nut low founding document ever created.


If Kamala leans into the wine mom funny shit it will play great. She can’t go copmala


Giving states equal say in things, wouldn’t want a large state to be able to have all the power in deciding VP and Pres.

There weren’t that many states back in the day, so they probably didn’t want one state to seem too powerful

Yes, it does

A lot of stuff that was a first attempt from 300 years ago has better versions now.

The US wasn’t the first democracy, but it was the first written Constitution attempting to account for everything. Makes the UK relying on norms seem good.

Sure which is why the American religious devotion to the constitution is so idiotic.




It’s a holdover from when President and VP were elected independently and Virginia dominated politics.

Big donors turning back on the spigots per CNN reporting


To be fair to the founders, they never envisioned the Constitution as a static document that would never be updated. That was all the Federalist Society.


538 still giving Biden a 49% chance of winning.