2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

Bernie on Colbert still sharp af. Old, not “old”.


It is not possible for him to beat her

Look at this, what kind of shit talk even is this


Listen, man. Here’s the deal.

Biden is legitimately senile I’m pretty sure. Has all the signs including hiding away in his bunker insisting he is fine.

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Look fat,


I think the denial will kick in when people are telling you that you are unable to live alone and you need go to assisted living.

Or they tell you that you cannot drive anymore.

My 84yo F-in-L who has sort of been diagnosed with dementia, but really seems fine to me, immediately said Biden has to go after the debate. My 84yo M-in-L is also on the replace Biden train.

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I’m really very hungry. This was fuckin rude


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My Dad too.

My 89 year old father watched the debate with a group including two people over 100 years old (he is in a retirement community) and they were unanimous that Biden has to go.

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My great-grandfather was born in 1903 and he gave me some signs from another dimension that biden has to go. He also tried to tell me it’s unfair to call biden a racist, and reminded me that he used to let the good n-words eat on his porch


But I agree with your statement that the attempt to dismantle some of the civil rights movement began long before Trump. What did I say to make you think otherwise?

Exactly. Like all this gay stuff that is dismantling our civil rights of freedom of religion


What in Sam Hill are you talking about?

You disputed that you’re an unapologetic supporter of the political party that has been trying to roll back the civil rights movement for the past 50 years

It’s not a good sign that bystanders are able to follow your conversations better than you do


Its probably a nightmare trying to convince him that he needs to step down and finally at the end of the day he gets it. Then they have to do it all over again the next day. Its like the worst groundhog day ever.


I think you literally don’t know what “unapologetic supporter” means. There are lots of things I don’t like about the GOP. That’s literally the opposite of an “unapologetic supporter”, my friend.