2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

Joe’s weekend reading

they didn’t care and they don’t care, at least not enough. Everybody’s watching out for themselves. When a healthy balance in a society between cooperation & competition tips all the way towards competition, then there’s no coming back, it’s all the way down the drain, every time


Why is that BS? It’s my understanding it wouldn’t matter if it’s Kamala but would impact anyone else

Every younger Dem with aspirations of the Presidency sat on the sidelines this year because it’s political suicide to challenge the sitting President. Newsom for example 1,000,000% is going to run in 2028 and didn’t want to piss the party off by primarying Biden so we got stuck with Dean Phillips being the only other option.


Marianne Williamson erasure itt.


If Biden doesn’t drop out he is going to be humiliated. And it will be exactly what he deserves.

The DNC mafia should pull the plug on this guy and I’m surprised they haven’t already. The Clinton’s backstabbing Obama by leaking their support is hilarious and sad at the same time. Gotta stay relevant! This whole ordeal has been the Demiest thing of all time though. The Dems really are every inch as scummy and corrupt as the GOP. Hiding senile grandpa so the grift can go on is so on brand. They just got caught here and now have no idea how to get out of this situation.

Dems really are the end boss for progress and this whole thing really lays that bare. Everyone only cares about their own grift. Pelosi only cares about the money flowing. Biden and Co. only care about continuing to enrich themselves. Meanwhile we suffer.

Trump term 2 is going to be entertaining at least. We have that going for us.


There is no “they” making these decisions. There’s not a secret council of e-Dems that decides who gets to run in the primaries. Nobody wanted to run because they were guaranteed to lose, and not in a constructive, profile-raising way.


There kind of is, and it’s the donors.

They pay for access and influence and don’t want to risk devaluing their investments.

yeah but try telling that to trans folks or undocumented folks or ukrainians. Stephen corpsefucking Miller is no joke, and sure they’ve got the courts but deep down they know they’ve lost the numbers, and lost the bigger fight for the cultural identity of the country. So those dudes are just going to snap at this, their last chance, and they are so horny to hurt shit, or at least to rev the engine on their ids and finally roll some real coal on the ingrates. Granted they are incomptetent but unfortunately some roberts rules student council assholes have apparently rigged things so that a few buttons on their fischer price oval office machine might actually be plugged into the wall this time, and granted they’re still 50/50 to lick the socket but they also might get lucky and if that happens then woe is we


Fwiw, I just saw AOC speak about it and she confirms what I’ve been saying. First, she’s asked for people to game out the process of replacing Biden and is scared of SC shenanigans. Also, she said it’s the big donors who don’t want Biden and that’s why you got major Dem politicians calling for him to step down. Not necessarily that they think he can’t win

Edit: I mean, there’s gotta be some reason why the 3 most progressive members are reluctant to get on board with replacing Biden. It’s certainly not because THEY’RE afraid of donors

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And because going against the Dem machinery means being cut off from their $$$, maybe forever.

Nothing in this post accurately represents my views or the views of any Christians that I personally know.

Thanks for the history lesson, my man.

What about Cenk?

It really is hillary 2.0

Why not visit North Dakota

Me too

All of the elderly folks I know are absolutely in denial about their decline, and I assume I too will dig in super hard against the notion.

Which is weird, because people like 35-55 are extremely hyper conscious about their decline, possibly even overestimating it

I mean not weird. Just notable. We can easily think of a couple of three plausible explanations off the top of our heads


Maybe you need to demonstrate the falsity of the statement a little harder.

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I just had a long car ride with my 83-year-old Dad and realized how much more lucid, loquacious and able to hold a train of thought he seems than Biden.

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