2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

All very well said.

I donā€™t know how you can just wave this off so easily. Do you really think Republicans wonā€™t challenge the legality of the ballots in each of the 50 states? And do you trust a supreme court (that has shown themselves to be shamelessly lawless) to rule fairly?

Thatā€™s too sweetsummerchild even for me

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i think keeping the ā€œofficialā€ democratic nominee from the democratic national convention off the ballot is such a crazy ridiculous proposition that even this supreme court wouldnā€™t go for itā€¦

now if youā€™re talking about a later switch AFTER the convention, then all bets are indeed probably off.

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I donā€™t think there are that many leftists here, disgruntled or otherwise

What are you even talking about? Thereā€™s no nominee for the democratic party yet, what would they even challenge? Iā€™ll give you credit for coming around to the fact that SCOTUS is a joke but this shit is just fever dreams from people who want to keep Biden in there.


First, I am NOT someone who would prefer keeping Biden. Iā€™d much rather see him replaced with someone else. But I donā€™t claim to understand how such a process would work, which is why Iā€™m so concerned. From what Iā€™ve read, there could be technicalities involved that could greatly complicate things and it might not be some simple matter of swapping Biden out for someone else. If thatā€™s wrong, Iā€™d like an explanation of why

And this doesnā€™t even get into the problems of using DNC funds or ad discounts

Iā€™m not saying you want JRB, Iā€™m saying the people spreading this misinformation do. The explanation is simple, there is no official democratic nominee and there wonā€™t be until the party does the roll call vote, either at the convention or possibly a couple weeks beforehand. Until then they arenā€™t ā€œreplacingā€ anybody because thereā€™s nobody to replace and therefore nothing to challenge. If they tried to do it after this step then there would be issues but right now theyā€™re in the clear.


You would know about that more than me.

Some big main character energy itt.

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Lagtight does give a great insight into modern Christians and conservatives. They donā€™t care whether your beliefs are actually honest or coherent, they just care that you are willing to pretend and say the right things. In fact, being dishonest is a bonus, because it triggers those intellectual Dems who care about things like being a hypocrite. This is largely because most Republicans and Christians are just faking it themselves (or at least picking and choosing which parts of the doctrines to apply to their personal lives).


Each hour that passes this weekend without an announcement is making me more nervous


I think weā€™re getting the guy who canā€™t talk as our candidate

While we wait


Not sure the quoted tweet will play in preview so


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The ad discounts thing is another argument thatā€™s obvious BS.

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The conservative project to dismantle the civil rights advancements of the 60s predates Trump, my man.

Damn needle is back in 60ā€™s%.

Anyone who thinks Trump is ā€œgenuineā€ about anything aside from his desire for wealth and power is a fool.


if Biden still runs then Iā€™ll be rooting and voting for him, but win or lose it will be my final break with this clown car party. The only consolation would be that the godlike hubris it would take for him to keep running would eventually be very funny, especially as everyone keeps trying to hide how his brain is caving in like a moldy lime. History will remember Biden as a good one-term president, but if he runs and loses to Trump, then heā€™s just a hall-of-fame cautionary tale, an old american fool surrounded by sycophants. RBGā€™s legacy will be way kinder to her.

If I ever get to a place where I can laugh about the last few weeks then it will 100% be in a gallows humor, horror-stricken way. We all knew that our current society burned out the brakes a long time before this election, but the spectacle of senile Biden plowing ahead to lose to dumbo Trump would be so historically wtf that at least maybe the normies would start asking some questions. The comedy would absolutely not be worth the tragedy but beggars canā€™t be choosers

for the record I still donā€™t think heā€™s gonna run, there is just no fucking way


Iā€™m starting to think Biden is too old and senile to understand how old and senile he is. But part of my anger is at the party for letting this happen in the first place. Who makes the call that Biden vs Dean Phillips is the race we want to see? And how do you make an argument that the voters chose Biden for a second term when there was no real race? I donā€™t care what kind of argument can be made that Biden did a good job. Heā€™s 81 and in decline. How do you not see that coming? And how can you not understand that nobody wanted to see a Trump/Biden rematch.

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