2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

I don’t see any upcoming events in SoCal, but if I see one I’ll meet you there.

Great! I’ll look forward to it.

And if you do want to troll the liberals, voting for West will make some of them more mad than voting for Trump.


I was literally thinking the same thing!

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I’m either voting for West or writing someone in. California doesn’t matter. Both parties suck. The best message I can send with a vote, as infinitesimal as that is, is not voting D or R.

I might participate in some anti-Trump postcarding directed at swing states though just so that I can show up most of the liberals around here.


You have a president 80% of the country think is too old right now. You think clinging on to him because its too late to swap him now is the move? You had 4 years to avoid this exact situation. Reality is replacing him years ago was the best move, replacing him today is the current best move.


Cosplayers lol that’s exactly what they are.
Even if they lose they still win because its all about the cosplay.


The bolded is probably true. Having said that, what exactly is the specific process to do that? How, specifically, do you “replace” the POTUS in the middle of his term?

addendum: I’m not saying that there isn’t such a process. I’d just like to know what it is you have in mind.

It’s not a problem, it’s bullshit.

This is a really good point. Having some goofiness permeate through the doom and gloom could pick up a point or two from the people sick of the WAAF crowd.

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He means replace him as a candidate, I assume. Withdraw from the campaign, remain POTUS until Jan

It’s inspirational that he’s faking being Christian? Most Christians that I know would feel almost exactly the opposite way about that,

I agree with your interpretation.

Even so, what is the process for replacing President Biden as a candidate unless Biden wilfully chooses to not run? Still don’t know what “replacing him years ago” means.

Isn’t it more likely the opposite, that they’re the only person here looking for a real debate?


Obviously it’s not inspirational if he’s faking it. My mind-reading skills not being what they used to be, I can’t say with any confidence whether he is faking it or genuine. My best guess is that he is faking it, but I as a rule prefer to assume the best rather than the worst.

So you think he is probably faking it, but you are inspired. Have I got that right?

I’m so sick of people bragging about this

That’s actually an excellent question. MrWookie in the moderation thread was asking why I should be allowed in this forum in the first place, given some of my views that in part got be banhammered from 2p2.

I’ve been called a “Nazi” and other bad stuff from several posters around here, but I’ve avoided stooping to their level by calling them names or impugning their character or calling them trolls, or whatever.

Having said that, I’ve had some fruitful discussions with some of the folks around here, so I enjoy being here.

For many, this forum is what I have described as a “support group for disgruntled Leftists.” Folks who view this forum in that light certainly dont’ want to debate an conservative, although of course they will debate someone who is a fellow Lefty.

He himself strongly hinted at that being the case before the last run. Just have that be publicly spoken from the time he takes office from the party, and actually take actionable steps throughout his term to do exactly that. Instead they chose to let him dictate that he would run again with no pushback and on top of that hiding his decline with fewer and fewer public non scripted appearances until we’re at the first debate and he makes a complete fool of himself. We’re now at crossroads were funding is being pulled, multiple high ranking dems calling for him to step down and we still don’t know whats going to happen. The no time to replace him is such a ridiculous cop out, as thats entirely the fault of the party and even if it was the truth that Biden has the best chance agaist Trump, Weekend at Berniesing him for another 4.5 years for the most important job in the world is a joke.


I’m inspired by his actual words about his (putative) faith; and I’m hopeful that he is being genuine.