2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

What do you think about the separation of church and state?

How about every government around the world in history that has instituted a government based on religion has ended up a horror show with its citizens having all rights stripped from them in the name of whatever God and anyone who has questioned those governments being branded a heretic?


Yeah Iā€™ll get right on that.

I oppose any form of Theocracy, if thatā€™s what you mean by ā€œseparation of church and stateā€.

Many great social movements were motivated by religious beliefs and even the churches themselves. Remember Reverand Martin Luther King, Jr.? Or, how about Reverand Jesse Jackson? The black churches were absolutely essential in advancing the Civil Rights movement in the 1950ā€™s and 1960ā€™s.

Thank you!

Iā€™d be amazed if skydiver literally said that.

Heā€™s literally a street preacher (thatā€™s the story anyway and heā€™s in my area, so I could personally verify). I donā€™t know why you would think he would have the same views on things as, say, you, an atheist non-street preacher.

People do make jokes and have some bits of running sarcasm, but hardly anyone here or on 2p2 were really long term making up a whole political perspective that they didnā€™t actually believe. Thereā€™s lots of ways to not really post in totally good faith, and different kinds of trolling, but just outright faking who he is? Very unlikely imo. Even the biggest fakers on 2p2 were just like a mall cop pretending to be a real cop. He didnā€™t have to constantly assume a fake persona.

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Just to be clear for posters that may not be following along. Lagtight cites as ā€œgreatā€ the social movements that led to massive positive advancements in civil rights for women and minorities in the US, yet he is an unapologetic supporter of the political party whose singular focus for the past 50 years has been rolling those advances back.

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This is really how you enjoy spending your day?

Iā€™m still worried about Kamala as the nominee and would prefer someone else, but I had a thought watching this clip:

Her being weird and goofy and singing off key and laughing too much might play well this cycle. People are tired of all the dark, serious shit happening.


He has been here long term? I thought he showed up a few weeks ago. Iā€™ve never seen him post till recently.

Is he one the annoying ones changing his username every 6 months?

My de facto assumption is if some ā€œright wingā€ dude shows up on a 100 person forum where every poster is left wing they are not here for real debate. I donā€™t think that is crazy.

how did that guy get busted, I canā€™t remember.

Heā€™s from 2p2.

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I donā€™t think I ever knew the details, but I think someone tracked him down.

I remember on the ā€œotherā€ forum we discussed meeting at a possible protest at Rep. Maxine Watersā€™ house.

Even though you and I almost certainly disagree on most things, Iā€™m sure any discussion we would have would be amicable and respectful.

To those who think Iā€™m a troll: I have an extensive posting history on the ā€œother forumā€, so anyone can see for themselves Iā€™ve been saying the same stuff for many years. Same SN as here.

Decide for yourselves.

Addendum: Iā€™m sure my long-time ā€œnemesisā€ MrWookie will vouch for me. :grinning:

I specifically chose a social movement unanimously approved of by Liberals to illustrate the point that churches have been a big part in social and political change, both on the Left and the Right.

Using a right-wing example would not have made my point as effectively I donā€™t believe.

The bolded is demonstrably false. In just the past several days Iā€™ve expressed my disapproval of Trumpā€™s deportation plans, and even stated that I am considering not voting in the Presidential contest at all.

Certainly a small part of my day, yes.

If you want to vote for a Christian for POTUS


Well, I for one, find it very concerning that no one seems to be able to explain why this wonā€™t be a major problem

I was very impressed by that video. Thanks for sharing. Iā€™ve known about Professor West for many years, but never have known much about him. Iā€™ll look into him more.