2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

It takes being elected… On the merits, I’m fine with Biden’s formaldehyde-preserved head being elected… too easy a target for low-information voters to turn away from Biden, which is what all the polling I’ve seen suggests.

I agree. Bad polls so Biden gotta go. But I don’t feel good about the ageism. Four years ago my attitude was


Now it’s

Fine. Whoever. But this is still bullshit.


How does Nate advise polymarket? Isn’t it all just supply/demand unlike a sports book?

Based on my observation and experience, this is exactly what will happen, and it’s one of the reasons I think changing is insane.

I mean, this time the media and public and pundits and donors and Bernie Bros and KHive and Warren stans and Climate Defense and Pro-Palestinians and Pro-Israel folks are just all going to happily accept whatever person we pick however we pick them, right?



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before he showed up they were only doing supply

Or no, but a no does not mean a vote for Biden

I think we may have reached the point where we’re damned if we don’t do something. Maybe we’re also damned if we do something, but that doesn’t seem certain yet.

Wow, you really are an angry queer! :grin:

I’m seriously considering that.

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There is no evidence those 10% actually exist.

You keep making all these pragmatic arguments but don’t say if you believe Biden is totally competent to be president. It is your position you have no concern the Biden of 2028 will be entirely capable of doing the job?

If thats the case I can respect your position at least.

If it’s not your position, then all the pragmatic arguments are utterly meaningless imo.

  1. I’m unaware of President Trump ever claiming to be a Christian. Whenever he is asked about his religious views, he doesn’t give a straight answer, other than something nebulous like “I believe in God.” He does sometimes talk favorably about attending Norman Vincent Peale’s(?) church in the 1950’s.

  2. I don’t think too much one way or another about the religious affiliations (or lack thereof) of political candidates.

You’re not paying attention.

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He isn’t posting in good faith. It’s all just trolling. Trump cosplays Christian in literally every speech.


Never underestimate the ability of right-wingers to remain unaware of something.



Case in point.


It seems with Trumps narcissism, these clowns that wear all the Trump apparel are like fluffers in a porn movie.

Just trying to help Trump keep it up.

So now I ask them if they are Fluffers for Trump.

They are not amused, but I am🙂


I though changing was impossible?

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View: the Democratic Party should pick the person most likely to beat Trump, even if it means party functionaries have to organize a lot of difficult logistics and some people are mad at them afterwards.



Who’s going to do that work? You, Lieutenant Weinbob?!
