2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)


What youā€™re describing is part of the EV of the ā€œstick w/ Biden strategyā€. Some people seem to think it is worth a lot more than others.

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It takes being elected, which means that a near majority of uninformed, cross-pressured voters will vote for you. On the merits, Iā€™m fine with Bidenā€™s formaldehyde-preserved head being elected. However, I am not an ā€œundecided voter.ā€ I think the age/senility thing is just too easy a target for low-information voters to turn away from Biden, which is what all the polling Iā€™ve seen suggests.

I would maybe be open to other arguments if he could discuss each provision of the constitution while standing on one leg and juggling (Schiff, or AOC, could do this easily), but when they wheel him out itā€™s all teleprompter and worn-out Bidenisms. I have significant concerns with Kamala, but I suspect she will get almost all of the anti-Trump vote and a decent percent of the ā€œundecidedā€, at least enough to make it a real race. I promise I will not complain if Kamala is the nominee.


I remember under Bush and the early Obama years the supreme court was kinda fucked and I just told myself ā€œthese guys are all old, at least they can fix this in my lifetimeā€ and now weā€™re at a point where the court is 6-3 and if Trump gets another term we likely end up with 5 relatively young insane right wing judges and I just fucking canā€™t with that. I will walk across broken glass to vote for whoever the dem is just to prevent that.


So, uh, kinda seems like Nancy Pelosi deserves a ton of credit here. The reporting sure makes it sound like sheā€™s the ringleader behind the scenes in getting Biden out. Even better if sheā€™s pushing for an open nomination process.

Sheā€™s no longer the dem house leader and could easily be spending all her time putzing around and smashing the print money button on the stock market. But sheā€™s actually taking action and dgaf about blowback from Bidenā€™s teamā€¦ think that deserves some legit kudos.


She has been the party treasurer (wink wink) for a very long time. She has to act, because the money is threatening to dry up if biden stays.

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do they think nate is secretly taking the other end of the bet and driving people the wrong way on purpose? I am guessing neither of these people know what vig is.

Somebody better check the legality of all this. Republicans arenā€™t just gonna say, ā€œoh new candidate? No problem!ā€ And even if a new candidate wins, Trump is gonna kick and scream how he got cheated by an illegal move and take it to the Supreme Court

Edit: I think weā€™re screwed no matter what


Vig is the rake of life

There is no scenario where Trump loses and accept the results.


No, but his whining would be a lot less credible in a Biden landslide. There also wouldnā€™t be much the SC court could do in that scenario either

canā€™t believe nate would do that after taking the poll averager oath in 1998.


lol Biden landslide

Also the absolute second that anyone else should become the democrat nominee, the arrows will already be in the air from archers on both sides.


he risks losing his math license


Breaking news, not sure which thread to put this in




Listen Jamie knows how to win electionsā€¦

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Itā€™s not my fault that people donā€™t like the candidate I propped up