2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

I did a little more research and I think if the governor takes no action, after ten days it is treated as if it were signed. So an unsigned act would become law 100 days after being sent to the governor instead of 90 after signing.

My concern is getting a D candidate on the ballot in all 50 states. You just know if itā€™s anyone but Biden theyā€™re gonna contest it and with a totally corrupt supreme court they might just rule that Trump has to run unopposed

Also many questions about pac money and how not getting ad discounts will hurt

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I think it is signed bills becoming law once governor signs or after 10 days.
However something the governor does on his own takes 90 days to become law so the legislature has time to override.

Also, 6/2 plus 90 days is 8/31 so before 9/1 deadline he created.



That was actually pretty f7cking good imo. Not awkward, nice timing, forceful.


If his polls were good not many would care about his garbled speech. Since his polls are bad, his public performances are taken to be the reason his polls are bad and he must be replaced. So he will be, probably. Some people are expressing near metaphysical certainty thatā€™s the best thing to do but we canā€™t really know.

Compare him to Trump. Even some of his supporters donā€™t like that heā€™s a nonsensical narcisistic self-contradictory fascist fuck. But his polls are great!


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Whatā€™s funny is the Dem insiders have weaponised ā€œmost important election everā€ against leftists all this time (yes Iā€™m a bitter bernie bro) and now its totally biting their faces. The MSDNC crowd are always in panic mode and thereā€™s noone left to panic about except old man biden.


Somehow this all ends with Trump being the Democratic nominee.


Vote Blue No Matter Who



ā€œVanceā€™s appreciation of Tolkien is not unrelated to his conversion to Catholicism in 2019. Of the many ways that Tolkienā€™s work exemplifies the Catholic imagination, one is the relationship between the visible and the invisible. I think itā€™s fair to say that Vance believes there is real spiritual evil in this world, and it can become embodied in rites and rituals.ā€ (At a closed-door speech in September 2021, Vance said, ā€œI believe the devil is real and that he works terrible things in our society.)

J.D. Vance might be Frodo of the Hollers, a veritable hillbilly hobbit.ā€

I was raised Catholic and Iā€™ve read LOTR 13 times, though not in like 20 years. Saints preserve us.




Not me

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I mean, who knows how much of that is just bullshit he says to win over conservative voters. JD is a finance bro, those guys tend to like LotR for some fool reason.

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So youā€™re saying Iā€™m an idiot and racist. Thanks a lot, jerk

what are the rules? Like currently all of bidenā€™s delegates are obligated to vote for him on the 1st ballot, correct? Unless he releases them? But can he direct their 1st ballot vote to someone else or only release them utterly and merely ā€œendorseā€ someone else?

also, anyone endorsing this theory needs to explain what they think the overlap between ā€œbiden delegatesā€ and ā€œthe replace biden campā€ is, because I suspect itā€™s damn near zero

He can release and endorse. I doubt more than 49% (or more than 10%) of the 99% of Bidenā€™s pledged delegates would go against his endorsement.

The connection and implications are easy to minimize I guess but this is the kind of thing that makes me feel like we canā€™t have a lot of confidence in the information weā€™re getting.


If he withdraws then they will have no choice but to vote for a ā€œliveā€ candidate. 79% of dems are apparently fine with Harris. There would be no controversy or contested convention if he endorsed Harris (and probably no contested convention even if he endorsed someone else).