2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)




Sure, that’s wrong. Reminds me of suggestions that being against Pete was homophobic.

My entire point is that no one is certain enough here to justify questioning the motives or even intelligence of someone just because they disagree.

And, fwiw, I think replacing Biden likely does increase the Democrats’ meager chances, maybe maybe even with Harris.


I can’t trust someone who leaves their Venmo transactions public to run the country. Letting an app like that have access to all your contacts is also a noob move.




Really want to see a focus group of likely voters that strongly disagree with the contextual nature of existence.




Obviously lol

This doesn’t have anything to do with this thread specifically, but is anyone else annoyed with how far to the right the hit box for a link to X extends from the preview?


It’s rare that I disagree with Bernie and I’m trying to make sense of his motive here. All I can think is that he’s negotiated with Biden for leftist policies. The problem is that he’s losing credibility by telling voters not to believe our lying eyes


Reminds me of a quote one of my mentors likes to share, “a good idea from a scoundrel is still a good idea.”


This guy seems to destroy the legal issue here, tldr or if don’t have Twitter, it’s bullshit and only thing gop could do is refuse to certify and they can do that for plenty of other bullshit reasons there or elsewhere too



I believe the concern comes from here: How a Bill Becomes a Law | Ohio Senate.

The governor can sign the act into law or reject it by issuing a veto. A three-fifths vote of the members of the House and Senate is necessary to override the governor’s veto. A signed act becomes law after 90 days. If the governor takes no action within 10 days of receiving the act, it becomes law without his or her signature.

So the worry is that the act that he’s referencing was signed on 6/2, but is not law yet because 90 days haven’t passed.

The way this is written it sounds like the way for a governor to expedite bill passage is to simply not sign it? Something missing here.

Yeah I dunno. It does make it sounds like an unsigned act becomes law quicker than one that’s signed.

Here is one of my favorite US political stories (also Ohio related). In 1953 some archivists were creating a exhibit celebrating Ohio’s sesquicentennial and discovered that it had never actually been properly admitted into the union. Apparently in 1803 Congress plum forgot to vote on it and it was never revisited. All of the subsequent congressman and presidents had actually served illegally and the country was faced with a seeming constitutional crisis. Instead, congress simply voted to admit and “backdated” it 150 years, at which point hardly anyone ever mentioned it again. Could you imagine if that happened today instead?

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I know my ancestors came from Poland in the late 1800s dirt poor and looking to scratch out their version of the “American Dream”. Probably many here have a similar story. It’s insanely fucking hypocritical to deny others the same opportunity. Especially considering we fucked over many of their home countries so the quality of life could be a tick higher here while destroying theirs.


Yes but your ancestors did it the “right” way (were born in the 19th century).


Heh, yah, and the country wasn’t run by assholes then. Well, it probably was, but slightly less asshole-ish and hypocritical.

Anyone know a good book or website dealing with our descent from open borders to slowly requiring visas, to erecting border walls to caging children?

What’s Trump holding in these scenarios? A joker card that may or may not be wild and an Uno reverse card?

edit: ahh damn, I swear I didn’t see otatop’s Uno card reference when making my post. Great minds…

I just saw a guy win the Main Event after folding QQ to a single raise. Don’t underestimate blinding out!