2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

Yes I can work Google

And the union leadership is much more akin to the big money donors. Rank and file union members are a lot more pro Trump than their union bosses. Biden getting official support from UAW or Teamsters or speaking to the union doesn’t mean he is the preferred guy of their membership.

I think that’s right. There’s still no suggestion that you have an ulterior motive.

Part of the problem is that this is how Democrats work with everything. It’s always some combination of:
-Norms too strong AND
-You just don’t understand how hard it is to actually get anything accomplished

As if the people asking for the bare minimum like a presidential candidate who can speak or function after 8pm are engaging in some outrageous request or are stupid or something.


And I’m sure it is very hard.

And it’s harder now than it would have been if Biden had dropped out within a week of the debate. And much harder than it would have been if he dropped out in early 2023.

But it ain’t going to get any easier by putting it off.

And it’s sure as shit harder to get anything good accomplished if Biden leads the country into a Trump presidency with 56 senators and a solid majority in the house.

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Good enough



well ok, if not ulterior motives then the suggestion is that we’re just idiots for being mesmerized by our corporate overlords. It’s not true. Other suggestions included how we are all racist misogynists for being skeptical about Kamala’s chances. I have zero issues with skydiver who frankly has always seemed cool to me and if I see her at the convention I’d happily grab a beer with her. I hate how the battlelines have been drawn in this thread in part because I hate how other folks have historically gone after her on this forum in ways that imo were often gross. But this is about the last three weeks. You said she isn’t a personal supporter of Biden and I’m guessing that’s true, but who cares if she plays one so well on TV. For now, she’s the board’s representative of a vociferous and coordinated anti-disruption pro-continuity position that for the majority of the country feels like gaslighting.


If the Republican nominee were Mitt Romney, I’d be fine sticking with Biden at this point because I think he’s presided over 4 years of a reasonably good job on the domestic front and there’s no real reason to think that wouldn’t continue due to his age

The main reason I want him to step aside is right or wrong, the public perception is so negative that I don’t think he can beat one of the most unhinged and dangerous candidates in America history


This is way better than joe for sure


Bernie plz stop


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Again, we don’t need certainty. Strong evidence is enough to act. In my judgement, there’s overwhelming evidence that we’re holding a very bad hand. We don’t know for sure, but this isn’t some random unknowable thing. Polls exist. Common sense exists.

Maybe you disagree the evidence is so strong. That’s fine, but I think you’re wrong.

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100%. The state level polling is catastrophic for Biden. He is basically losing every battleground state outside the MOE. And not just the averages. Every single poll.

uh, Mike Bloomberg would like a word

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I think a football analogy is better here. It’s why you throw on 4th and 20 and not run for an easy 10 yards.


Saw the first Trump sign pop up in my neighborhood (historically not a lot of signs in any election in my neighborhood). It’s a couple houses away from me, but at the end of a dead-end, so nobody will see it. One household who will, though, is the lesbian couple in between us.

Old guy who has done a lot of good but clinging to power despite being well past his prime is defending another old guy who has done a lot of good but clinging to power despite being well past his prime.

Isn’t this how other somewhat functional democracies operate though? The people and the party lose confidence in their leader and call on them to step down?

I DGAF about his past record. He could’ve cured cancer and ushered in world peace. But if it’s clear he’s not up to the job and about to lose what should be a gimme election, then he should step down. The stakes are just way too high to be given an exemption based on past performances like Tiger Woods being allowed to play in the open.

Also I feel a bit lied too. In the back of my mind I knew there was a very real risk that Biden in 2024 wouldn’t be Biden in 2020. Age creeps up on you pretty fast. Yeah the State of the Union was fine but otherwise he’s been very much kept out of major public appearances despite it being campaign season. This is no longer about 1 debate. The past several months have been limited public appearances with the few he’s done being really bad. Had we had a better idea that he might not be up to run again, it’s an entirely different primary.


Yeah I think the state polling is the strongest evidence.

#1 We pretty much know isn’t right. Trump has consistently had poor approval ratings, he lost the popular vote in both elections, etc. There’s no reason to think he suddenly turned into a rockstar this time.

#3 Doesn’t make sense because there are several downballot candidates that are outperforming Biden, not just one or two.

So that leaves #2, which is also a totally sensible explanation given that Biden has atrocious approval ratings on his own. He’s simply a bad candidate and so he’s underperforming other Democrats. Not complicated.


I remember once years ago the Jets tried to run a draw on 3rd and 20, got stuffed, and then…proceeded to run the same play on 4th down and got stuffed again. This was during a period of particularly dismal coaching so I have a feeling somehow they sent in the wrong play and just nobody questioned it.

I have no particular reason for recounting this story other than to say I’m now delivering the ultimate insult to the Democratic party by comparing them to the New York Jets.


Ah, a walk down memory lane.


By Ryan Lizza

12/11/2019 05:06 AM EST

Updated: 12/11/2019 06:24 PM EST

Former Vice President Joe Biden’s top advisers and prominent Democrats outside the Biden campaign have recently revived a long-running debate whether Biden should publicly pledge to serve only one term, with Biden himself signaling to aides that he would serve only a single term.

According to four people who regularly talk to Biden, all of whom asked for anonymity to discuss internal campaign matters, it is virtually inconceivable that he will run for reelection in 2024, when he would be the first octogenarian president.

“If Biden is elected,” a prominent adviser to the campaign said, “he’s going to be 82 years old in four years and he won’t be running for reelection.”



Bloomberg had both lower expectations and better outcomes. He got more delegates then Buttigieg and Klobuchar combined!

how much money did he spend compared to mayo and klob