2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

What is the path for Biden to convince the American public he is competent? Because it appears he tried to do that already and failed.

And this isn’t a high bar. His opponent is Trump. If you are observably less competent than Donald Trump in a side by side comparison you should not be the Democratic candidate for president. Full stop.

I’m not saying I’m 100% right i just haven’t had anyone make a case for sticking with Biden that was credible to me.


Norms = democracy in this case. The parties and primaries and US system is on the wrong side of a functioning democracy, but still, replacement is less democratic, not more. Worth it? Maybe. The 25th Amendment isn’t democratic either, but probably a good idea.

The other argument is that he would have a better chance of winning. I think at this point you’re probably right, but shrug. Polling looks that way now, but I don’t think it did right after the debate.

She wouldn’t win either and democracy isn’t just guessing about who would win.

In a better system we could have a national vote. Other countries do stuff like that. But that’s not something that can change between now and the election.

I’m not saying you’re wrong or you were saying those things, but some people are saying those things or things that amount to it.

I think a lot of people are just justifiably angry. I know I am. So some of it is lashing out and speaking in hyperbole because fuck it why not.

It is possible Biden is our best chance. I just think it’s extremely unlikely. That being said I’m wrong about stuff all the time.


Tenacious D might be looking to rebrand.




There’s more but I’m sure you can work google.

Are you sure you quoted the correct part of my post? I am not saying rich donors don’t want Biden gone, I’m saying black people agree with them. Look at the polling splits that have been posted over the last month. Black voters think he should drop out or stay at basically the same percentage as the rest of the party.

In the immediate aftermath of the debate I wasn’t ready to say he was done. But after his/their “response” in the subsequent two weeks I was convinced that he/they are not up to the task.


I did but I completely misread it, my bad.

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You want him to convince you. He has failed to convince you. I’m not convinced he is incompetent. Older and slower and more easily rattled isn’t the same as incompetent. I don’t know about the American public. I’m not sure what polls are telling us.

The biggest poll to me was the same poll of the same voters where Swing State Senate Dems are running 8-10 points ahead of Joe Biden.

That either means three things:

  1. Donald Trump is a rockstar candidate that runs way ahead of his party’s downballot candidates

  2. Joe Biden is a bad candidate to the point where he runs way behind his party’s downballot candidates

  3. The downballot candidates are each so liked by the voters of their state that they run way ahead of the Presidential candidate and would no matter who it is.


I think he is pretty bad functionally, but still would be a better POTUS than Harris. The actual job isn’t like a Jeopardy! match, it’s more about values.

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The 2024 WSOP ME Champion, ladies and gentlemen. So you’re saying theres a chance!


why do Biden supporters have such a hard time believing that we don’t want Biden out because of a thousand ulterior motives, we want him out because we want to win

AOC: “but people don’t understand how hard this could be!” no shit it’s hard so thanks obama for putting the non-cult non-bloodthirsty portion of planet earth in this super avoidable but suddenly dire situation, where we are all cornered into either abetting a lying senile incumbent lose his campaign for president that nobody even really wanted in the first place, or being forced to now roll the dice and try something that yes, agreed, sure seems difficult

“What’s the plan?” We have no idea, in part because as we keep being told we don’t actually understand how politics works, so I hope we can find some politics people to help us figure that out, who you’d think would be down to work some late nights given that it’s the Most Important Election Ever for the twentieth time in a row.

Why does the other side keep taking our frustration at this fiasco as a personal attack or some kind of bad performance review? Biden put you in this position too! For almost everyone in this thread the only thing we care about is winning, but along the way our nominee unfortunately started absolutely falling to pieces in front of our eyes. So after recovering from our shock and anger about that, we start trying to get up off the mat and have an adult conversation about how we can actually still win this fucking thing, but in response we just keep getting yelled at for not rolling over and accepting that changing horses is impossible, by a group of folks who I believe are operating in good faith but who still seem absolutely stuck on the acceptance phase of grief. We don’t care who else is on our side, we just want to win. We don’t think Biden will. It’s not a controversial opinion. So what’s the plan?


That UAW speech is pretty tepid support for Biden not dropping out. He’s clear Trump is terrible, and Biden is far better, but nothing in there says Biden is the best or shouldn’t drop out.

Other articles after that speech report he’s considering what to do, so doesn’t sound like rock solid support.


Who thinks that? I think the harshest suggestion I’ve seen is that donors are responsible for the pressure from Pelosi, Schiff, Schumer and others and skydiver has suggested that you are being led by that and not that you have some ulterior motives. What could those suggested motives even be if you don’t have a particular candidate for replacement? You think it’s being suggested that you are getting money from big donors?

Not a Biden supporter, and I’m certainly not taking attacks on Biden as a personal attack. If my jimmies are rustled it’s because people are assuming people I do support, like Bernie, AOC, and Omar are corrupted and that’s why they are supporting Biden.

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I do strongly believe there’s also 4. Dem voters are super fucking pissed about having an 82-year-old shoved down their throats, so they’re using their poll response as a protest vote/warning shot in hopes it’ll change something. Now I doubt it’s so pronounced that every single swing state is gonna flip back the other way if Biden steps away, but it could be significant.


Lord knows skydiver is wrong about a lot of things, so maybe she’s wrong about this, but she’s not a Biden supporter either. If she could figure out a way to drop Biden and get Mayo Pete in there, she would be doing late nights trying to make that happen.

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I think he is pretty bad functionally,

I feel sad watching the guy move around. His debate and performances since make me uncomfortable, like sitting in on theses defenses sometimes. It’s depressing. I still wouldn’t say he’s incompetent. Certainly not less competent than Trump.

The actual job isn’t like a Jeopardy! match, it’s more about values.


I think most of us feel like we’re not being led by anything except our eyes—I wanted Biden out three minutes into that debate. The debate wasn’t a bad night, it was a fucking catastrophe. If it was just a bad night then he could have proved otherwise in the last three weeks, but he didn’t even come close. It’s totally embarrassing