2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

No because almost half the eligible voting population sits out elections and a lot good chunk of people who do end up voting are holding their noses.

My wife and I were talking about this and I brought it up here before but havent seen anything compelling to the contrary.

Why can every other democracy on earth spin up a candidate in less than a month but we cant? What is so different about us that we NEED 3 months minimum to campaign?


Apologies, just PMd you

It’s the money in US politics. The process of moving around the billions of dollars involved requires a process of months and years.


you’d think she’d understand you got 20-30 seconds tops. hell i don’t open video links that are 2 mins…

any chance of you betting $1 on trump to win? i’d send you the dollar…


Back to the immigration discussion for a moment: one thing that would help is to stop calling them “illegals.”

People aren’t illegal. All that is accomplished by calling them that is to dehumanize them. What they did was illegal on paper, but what they did was not wrong. They are human beings who want to try to start a better life and you know what? They are 100x braver than 99.9% of us.

The only difference between an undocumented immigrant and me is where we were born.


I am certain she understands that, but she is (justifiably) in panic mode. AOC fights for human rights for constituencies that desperately need to win this election. I didn’t watch the video (again, one hour is a nope for me) but I read a summary of it and she is clearly very frustrated by the eDem types that are working hard on their careers at a moment where democracy and human rights are at risk. I think that is very understandable but it has her coming down on the wrong side of the issue. Just because the eDems are are pushing out Joe for dubious reasons (to kowtow to the donor class, to fight for power in the resultant power vacuum, to better position themselves for political success in the futre) doesn’t mean that Joe shouldn’t be pushed out.



I think the only people who call them “illegals” do so because it dehumanizes them, not in spite of it.


Chop, chop…we don’t have a lot of time.





Trump is most likely going to win anyway and no one knows which path for the Dems is best. No one is more being more ridiculous than the people just going on like there is no doubt that whatever they favor between replace or not replace is the better way.


This is pretty much where I’m at


Except I don’t see anything stopping the spiral.

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I think that’s ignoring a huge aspect of the story.

It’s not that “POLLS ARE BAD”. It’s that the voters have eyes and ears. And what they see in Biden is an 81 year old man who is not in the physical or mental condition to lead for the next 4 years.

So any positive case to be made for Biden either has to ignore that fact or straight up lie to voters and tell them that what they see and hear is not the truth.


And it’s not just should he run it’s should he be president for 4.5 more years. The answer is pretty obviously no to the latter even if the former is debatable.

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The way I see it, the low end of outcomes with Biden staying in is much worse, because if he continues to underwhelm, enthusiasm could crater so much that the GOP winds up with an overwhelming majority in both houses too, to the point where the inmates get to run the asylum and there won’t even be enough reasonable R votes to say, turn away some batshit crazy bill that will destroy the US economy as we know it.

Kamala will have a lot of variance in her results but I could see her keeping turnout high enough that congress isn’t a complete clown show (I know that a GOP win probably means a trifecta for at least two years but I think it’s important to keep it closeish to avoid the worst outcomes).


The Dems shouldn’t push Biden out just because polls are bad, the should also realize that they have no opportunity to turn those polls around if the election is a referendum on whether Biden is too old. If Biden runs, they will not get space to argue for any of the things that might win over voters, they will be on the defensive for 4 months and that’s not a situation they can win.


After a little googling, Will Stancil seems like a smart and principled kid. He has a mediocre future in politics at best.