2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

The UK announced an election and held it within 6 weeks. Here in the US, Trump’s virtually non-existent ground game and campaign machinery defeated the well oiled Clinton machine in 2016.


All of that is plausible except for the last 4 words

If only the Dems could run against Hillary

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I know a lot of people who want to marry AOC, and they’re mostly baffled by the path she’s taking

0% are moved by her words on this. Not turning on her or anything. But just kinda disregarding this as “well, life’s weird, pobodys nerfect”


If there is one thing I’ve learned, in half a lifetime of being the longest-serving independent in US congressional history, about face-eating leopards, it is this: They will eat your face.


Holy fucking lol

This is a terrible argument that has already been addressed repeatedly. He should have not sought reelection. Failing that, he should have dropped out right after the debate, so we have more time to salvage this. Failing that, he should drop out right now. Because he failed to drop out at step 2 and now we’re at step 3 and that makes things even harder is his fucking blunder, not ours.

You seem to overlook how extremely pissed a lot of us are that we’ve sleepwalked into this situation. In a month I went from basically thinking Biden is alright to thinking he’s an absolute shit for brains narcissist and at this point I borderline actually hate him. I can’t believe he gambled our future like this. If he or any other Dem wins, I will always hold a grudge that he put us in this situation. If he or any other Dem loses, I will blame him and hate him forevermore.

“You don’t have a concrete plan!” yeah because this old shitbag won’t step aside! How is anybody supposed to get everyone behind Kamala (the obvious, easiest path as basically everyone serious concedes, contrary to your assertion) when Kamala herself can’t be involved in the planning or even say or do a single affirmative thing?

Biden needs to step aside. Naming a bunch of problems that are impossible to solve without Biden stepping aside doesn’t mean that Biden should not step aside.


Mainly, a reversal of migration patterns from Mexico.

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Lol. I love AOC, but I still ain’t watching a one hour monologue.


Biden is going to drop out and all the people who’ve been saying “Biden drop out? That’s unpossible!” will be astounded for like 1 second and down the memory hole it will go


I heard Biden was going to drop out today, but he wasn’t able to turn on his computer to fill out the form.


Where are all the unions, and black voters saying Biden should stay? To me, this is a false conflict in your mind. Almost everyone who is paying attention to Joe in the last month thinks he is mentally unfit and trending worse. I don’t think this is a matter of class divide. Or different factions within the Democratic party being pro or anti Biden.

I think the real conflict is between pragmatists, who know Biden is going to not just lose, but lose in a massive landslide and permanently damage the Democrat brand as the “serious” party, and the model UN types who value the process of their party over the outcome.

Yes switching might cause a bunch of problems. We might switch and lose, even badly, but losing badly is not a maybe it is a certainty by staying the course. Honestly any election where Ohio is in play is a massive win for the Democrats and the new candidate being kept off the ballot in that state might be bad for down ballot races in that state (maybe not as bad as having Joe on the ballot!), but it might be galvanizing for voters in the rest of the country.

Democrats need to see the variance and chaos as their friend right now because the orderly path leads to certain death.


Poll after poll after poll since the debate have shown that Democratic Voters want Biden to step down, or that they don’t trust him to be up to the job.

Biden has to make the decision for himself. AOC should be more mad that he is more willing to listen to “Donors” than he is to the will of rank and file voters.


TIL the entire democratic party establishment are “coup plotters” :leolol:


Coup plotters has to be one of the most insane takes I’ve ever seen on the internet.


To be fair skydiver didn’t watch it either. It was posted less than an hour after AOC posted it.


It’s basically irrelevant at this point if Biden drops out or not. Trump is winning in a landslide. The only interesting thing is if his hubris has actually put a ton of seats in congress in play.

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What’s funny is this how every speech by Trump goes.

Agree, 107%



A new poll from the AP-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research found that about 6 in 10 Democrats believe Kamala Harris would do a good job in the top slot. About 2 in 10 Democrats don’t believe she would, and another 2 in 10 say they don’t know enough to say.
