2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)


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MGK would actually be a better VP pick. Macklemore is a West Coast elitist. MGK is a salt of the earth kid from Cleveland. Heā€™d bring geographical balance to the ticket. Also, I havenā€™t kept up on their relationship, but there would at least be some chance of Megan Fox popping up on the campaign trail, right?

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Really? After the terrible open borders of the worst president in Americaā€™s history? Seriously though, why is that?

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Now if youā€™ll excuse me, I think itā€™s time I head on over to predictit for some free money.


Shit, Predictit is down for maintenance.

Ah well, hereā€™s an hour of AOC. Never thought Iā€™d be standing with her against the rest of this forum, but these are unprecedented times.


LOL. Nate had a time of it watching Trumpā€™s speech


If AOC is giving an hour long speech defending Biden itā€™s all over anyways. Republicans are so insanely unified behind Trump and weā€™ve got nothing, itā€™s basically vote for a corpse bc itā€™s better than Trump.


Itā€™s not so much a defense of Biden, more commentary on how the discourse is all flash no substance.


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Right, but in 2024 nobody cares about substance. Itā€™s just a popularity contest. One that democrats canā€™t win.

In every poll the vast majority of people want him gone. AOC is being purposely obtuse.


Glen Powell would probably be president of the USA in 2025 if he could run heads up against trump.

Iā€™ve seen no indication that anyone but the elite of the democratic party has any interest in Biden remaining the candidate. He is unfit to serve by the standards of the average voter. And average Democrats, especially those with no special loyalty to Biden, are the ones freaking out.

Joe Biden did this himself. He has had ample time since the debate to prove that he is capable and he has failed that test. Or he could just not have failed the debate. Voters like me want literally any other Democrat so it will at least be a fair fight.

I get that you see it as your job to fight for Biden, but only people who see it as part of their job are fighting for Biden.


Look, if the coup plotters or whatever you want to call them had come forth with a legitimate plan and all coalesced behind one person willing to step up, and they were all in lockstep, I would feel better and might actually support it.

But sheā€™s right. None of these people name a replacement, they donā€™t suggest a concrete, realistic plan. That is why Iā€™m so bearish on Biden dropping out.

Show me the plan. One that could actually work. And I donā€™t mean anything handwavy. I mean dates, processes, the legal team to defend the plan in court, etc. Until then itā€™s all billionaire hot air.

The ā€œelitesā€ are the ones who are pushing him out.

I feel like Iā€™m in crazy town seeing yā€™all side with centrists and billionaire donors over unions, black voters, and the left.

I think youā€™re right. But I think that basically means Trump is winning the election in November

I keep saying that my concerns are with the process, the chaos, the difficulty of ramping up a campaign in less than a month.

I donā€™t care who the nominee is, you donā€™t replace your incumbent in August when early voting starts in September some places. Itā€™s insane!

Anyway, I was at a wake tonight and I have a precinct to walk in the morning.

If any of these chuckleheads come up with a real plan overnight, let me know.

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And donā€™t like polls, I got antidotes! Literally every D and ā€œindependentā€ I know, whether they be political casuals or junkies, wants him out asap and many are absolutely disgusted that it has gotten this far. Hearing, for the first time since the beginning of the Trump era in 2017-18, people talk about jamming Congressional phone lines to express their outrage.

The only people that I know that are happy that he is in are Rsā€¦ and skydiver.

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Thereā€™s a parallel universe out there where Biden kept his word and was a one term president. The Democrats win, Trump dies due to a chunk of Big Mac getting lodged in his left ventricle, we have the first female POTUS, and America stops the bleeding.