2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

Agreed but I think Harris isn’t the best messenger for this. She was Joe Biden’s VP and has been stumping for him for months.

Not that she couldn’t do a 180 and get away with it – she absolutely could imo – but I don’t think she’ll be comfortable doing it.

A big downside to Harris is that it’s going to be easy for Republicans to lump her in with Biden and the current administration, which people do not like.

They raid businesses, like meatpackers, and get hard working people who are making your life better and detain, then deport them.

Stuff like this:

Trump removed a couple hundred thousand people in his last term and promises to do more this time. That’s what you want? Food to be more expensive? Construction to slow down? Hard working people to suffer?



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Letting Harris run unopposed would be a yuge mistake imo. Really hope that doesn’t happen. Would love to see at least one big name (ideally Whitmer) make a run at her. Harris obviously has much higher upside compared to Biden, but she’s still pretty weak overall.

I’m fascinated to see how Biden plays this. Will he endorse Harris? Will he suggest a format for the next several week? For the convention? He has a lot of power here, simply because there really isn’t a leader in the party otherwise. Unless Obama decides to get involved, but that doesn’t seem like his style.

It does seem like someone needs to take a leading role because relying on the idiots running the DNC would be a surefire disaster.

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I think you are right about what’s going to happen, and if we end up with Harris, I’ll be happy about it. That said, I don’t think I have actually heard a single argument, from anyone, that Harris is actually a good nominee for president. Everyone has reasons why she must be picked, but no one even tries to argue that she’s a good pick. It has the feel of people talking themselves into a bad decision just because.


Hearing from a little birdie it will be Harris/Beshear

It would do catastrophic damage to the economy if they deported 15m illegals, never happening. Also doubt they seal up the border anytime soon unless our birth rate stops its decline.

Can’t decide if Biden doing it before or after Trump’s speech is better. On one hand it drowns out the news around Trump, but on the other hand that may not be a good thing for when Trump probably rambles and makes a fool of himself.


They need to drag it out and make it a little bit of a spectacle. Steal all the media oxygen. Make everyone forget about the assassination attempt. Make Trump go to his craziest to try to get attention.

Sidenote: I’m still not convinced that we aren’t going to soon get a wolf of wallstreet.gif

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I think the implicit argument is that these people (I.e. all the potential D candidates) are all secretly world class cutthroat, power hungry narcissists, as Biden has recently revealed himself to be.

So if you “open it up,” it’s not just going to be all the potential candidates give their best speech and then the delegates pick who they believe in good faith to be the best candidate.

Rather, it’s going to get dirty, nasty and outright vicious. In particular, speeches are nice but the best way to win a delegate’s vote is by promising them things, specifically power. And these aren’t even “real delegates” that represent different factions and power centers as we had in the past, they were intended to just be ceremonial placeholders that mashed the button for Biden.

And on top of all that, knowing this, the best candidates might voluntarily opt out of the process and wait for 2028. So not even a possibility to pull a Whitmer or whoever at the end.




How about a guy who was already a popular VP a quarter century ago, invented the internet, and is still 5 years younger than Joe Biden


“You want food to be more expensive…construction to slow down?” is exactly the argument many conservatives use against raising the minimum wage. Do you oppose raising the minimum wage for those reasons? Until about five years ago, Bernie was one of the major opponents of “open borders”, since he understood that it undermines the citizen labor force.

I think legal immigration is a wonderful thing. But, I don’t believe that folks who enter our country illegally ought have a right to enjoy the benefits of citizenry without being a citizen.

Having said that, , I’m not an advocate of spending a lot of taxpayer dollars and manpower for mass exportations of illegals.

Misunderstood what you were saying. But even if you’re afraid of an open convention, why not just ask Biden who should replace him and go with that answer?

79 percent of Democrats approve of Harris replacing Biden if he steps aside: Poll

Some screenshots I found interesting from looking over the poll.


Seems unlikely he would say anyone but Kamala but much crazier things have happened in just the last few weeks.

You just reminded me that Joe Lieberman is dead, so thanks for putting that smile on my face.


The minimum wage isn’t really a moral issue the way sending police to kidnap people and deport them is. I think most economists think the kinds of minimum wage hikes that have been proposed would have a small effect and probably positive generally. And most economists think open borders would have a tremendously positive economic impact.

This is a very inaccurate description. Bernie was not for open borders. No major politician is. He’s been very pro-immigration and giving legal status to the undocumented. That’s as pro-open borders as anyone in Congress.

This is really nonsense. You are right that legal immigration is good for the immigrants and for the country. Illegal immigration is even better for you as the undocumented get far fewer services, still pay taxes, and are easily exploited for lower wages and by outright wage theft, which causes your goods and services to be less expensive.

Well, the Republicans have a platform that lists 20 items and the first two are to do just that.