2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

Who with power do you think wants universal health-care

Would have to be a hostile negotiation. A tiny sliver of dems trying to leverage something to win what would be one of the biggest concessions ever


I donā€™t think anyone in power wants it, and I donā€™t think it would pass the senate. Thatā€™s why giving Bernie a platform to make it his single issue and try to convince people around the country that they deserve it might make a long term difference.

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I think promising people shit that we never plan on giving them is a big reason why nobody trusts dems and why people think both sides are the same

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Sorry I donā€™t think Iā€™m explaining myself well. I donā€™t think it should be a campaign promise (Iā€™d never expect Kamala to deliver on it, Iā€™m sure she doesnā€™t give a shit). Iā€™m just thinking out loud about who would make a good VP and what they could do with that platform.

Itā€™s not gonna work but we basically gotta go all in on Trumpā€™s age/fitness. Hammer home the fact that heā€™s going to be the oldest president ever if he gets elected, you think Biden is old now? Trump is going to be 2 years older than Biden by the time he finishes his term.

Itā€™s not gonna work cause republicans have no problems being hypocrites and would vote for a corpse over a dem but I donā€™t think we have a better plan

Health is THE biggest industry lobby, spending $199M in 2024. No way anyone does anything to hurt the position of pharma or private health insurance as long as the USA continues to be an oligharchy.


I feel itā€™s a terrible idea. Iā€™m sure there are some folks who have come to America illegally that should be expelled, but ā€œ15 millionā€ sounds ridiculous to me. I donā€™t know what random-number generator he used to create that number.

Itā€™s an estimate of the number of undocumented. I saw estimates ranging from 10 to 20 million and split the difference.




Iā€™m saying that the platform would be a huge concession that like 5 people at the convention would have to go to war for and somehow win

confession I have never used my one time and Iā€™m feeling kinda lucky, big gretch make me an offer and maybe you me and a search committee could start a lookin for a dealer


Practically, I donā€™t think that there is a lot anyone can do about illegal aliens who are already here. I donā€™t even know how that would work logistically, even if it were possible to locate and identify all those illegals.

but for real do you know who this makes me miss the most? PAUL WELLSTONE

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Jeff Flake
Liz Cheney


I kinda like this tbh, just pound on the age thing, its the number one reason that everyone hates this election (at this moment). Go to reddit and yeah thats the ā€œnon partisanā€ conventional wisdom, ā€œplease let us vote for someone whoā€™s not a great grandpaā€ or something.

Of course that hinges on nominating someone under 65.

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Havenā€™t thought of Flake in a while. Letā€™s add Ben Sasse to the mix.

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