2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

Definitely picking up some Joementum.

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Big Gretch now into 2nd for the nom on PI. Biden down to 3rd.


starting to get that khive fever


As a Christian how do you feel about Trumpā€™s plan to expel 15 million people?


Do we want to give up gov of NC or KY or the Sen from AZ? So, Shapiro? Nope Jewish and that wonā€™t fly in the greatest nation ever conceived. Who else ya got?

Pretty sure the NC gov has been completely neutered by their legislature and is about to be replaced by the lunatic who advocates killing liberals.

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Biden can surely handle the VP job.


Christianity is a very flexible religion, at least protestantism. Each version is like itā€™s own little sect of bullshit. Modern protestants donā€™t really believe anything in particular. When they did, back in the day, they would just kill each other and create schisms over meaningless debates (meaningless to all but those in power).

These days itā€™s almost fair to say that white protestantism is an offshoot of the Republican party instead of vice versa.

Fair point. Canā€™t help but notice that those three are extra moderate.


If Kamala gets the nod it is a mortal lock that the VP candidate will be a moderate white dude.


Bernie as VP and put him in charge of giving speeches and whipping up support for some sort of universal health care. Downside is it doesnā€™t set anyone up for 2028 but letā€™s be honest they all suck anyways.

Does this mean tonight you think?

A lot of stuff is going on in Delaware today,ā€ the source added. ā€œThere will be some sort of strong statement coming out after the other guy goes on stage tonight,ā€ referring to Trumpā€™s acceptance of the GOP nomination for president at the convention in Milwaukee Thursday evening.

we couldnt get universal healthcare with 60 senators, we definitely arent going to with 45


Heā€™s making a Trumpian speech about how the deep state wants him out and heā€™s staying in.


Letā€™s hear your worst VP picks.

Iā€™ll start with Susan Collins.