2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

She’ll probably do better against Republicans than against other Dems because her vunerability on policy is from the left, not the right. Plenty of Dems don’t like her because she’s too centrist and has history as a prosecutor. Against Donnie Dumb Dumb the barbs write themselves if he tries to criticize her about that “I know you don’t like prosecutors, Donald, they convict you of crimes when you don’t have the judge in your pocket”.

Anyway, she should just hammer home that she is the President you want to vote for because she will deliver X. Running on your past record doesn’t impress the voters that matter, they just want to know what you’re going to do for them.


Biden sucked eggs in 1988 and is now president!

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I think it will happen and I think it should happen, but I also kind of don’t believe it?


Full tweet:

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If the attitude is the general “When you’re out of the money, your best strategy is to increase variance” idea, not much better you can do than drop out after the RNC convention and not endorse Harris.

The only downside is that if this works, Malcolm Gladwell is going to write an even shittier sequel to David and Goliath.


Came here to post that but not sure how legit that guy is?

i can not imagine he just hangs harris out to dry like that. i’m not saying it wont happen. but that is the part that seems far fetched, imo. say what you want about Biden’s current state but he seems like someone who wouldnt do that.

The Times reporters’ current story is much more hedged, and go the other way on a Harris endorsement:


I’m sorry but hasn’t this “just be GOP Lite and you’ll win some red votes” been relentlessly proven to be bullshit?

DSA candidates get more wins in solidly red districts than skydiver types


Remember when Obama won by being more vulnerable from the left than the right

Does he know that?

Yeah I am taking all of this with a big grain of salt.

I assume it will be framed as an open vote to give it a feeling of Democratic Legitimacy, but the Biden Delegates understand that there’s limited upside and big downside to writing in a Whitmer or Pete, so Harris will win going away on the first ballot.

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Yes. I think you read something into my comment that was stronger than what I intended.

As a Republican, the person I would least like Trump to have to match up against would be Whitmer.

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My one memory of Kamala from the primary campaign was watching CNN at like 5 am one morning and she was doing an interview and just had absolutely nothing to say when asked to defend support for Medicare For All.

I just remember saying something like “people nee-eed healthcare. Ok? They nee-eed it.”

Should be an absolute lay-up for anyone who’s ever considered getting into politics to speak eloquently on any of the myriad positives of reforming the healthcare system. Where do the Democrats find these people?

I think it was a few weeks later that her campaign officially turned against M4A.

Hulk Hogan Dana White and Trump tonight. I might actually torture myself and watch.


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In before wediditjoe.gif



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