2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)


Biden just dumped an insane amount of money into swing states last month, and it provided zero bump. Money really doesn’t matter that much anymore. And that’s assuming the money couldn’t be used, which seems extremely dubious.

Trump won in 2016 with no ground game at all. Remember that reporter who showed up to one of his supposed field offices, and it was like an abandoned building?

Candidate quality >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> money, infrastructure, etc. Not remotely close imo.

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Less clusterfuck >>>>>>>>>>>> more clusterfuck.


I can’t even imagine what an open convention looks like. We are getting like 3 massive stories per day right now, the entire country has forgotten that the president was almost assassinated less than a week ago.


Biden was almost assassinated?


…maybe straight to acceptance?

This is a forum full of poker players. I don’t need to be 100% sure to make a judgement about whether or not something is stupid based on evidence. Biden is consistently trailing Democrat senate candidates by ~10 points in state polls. I could list a million other reasons, but I think it’s clear that he’s a bad candidate and other options would be better.

Fair enough. If they truly believe that Biden has the best shot, then I just think it’s stupid and not immoral.

You literally said “any replacement would also lose”. 1:1 sounds more than fair if that’s what you believe.

I also don’t think Whitmer, etc are a slam dunk to beat Trump. I do think they’re a slam dunk to fare better than Biden. But we’ll never know that for sure.



Did you son learn his lack of compassion from you or his Mom?

That was George Carlin’s philosophy late in life. He said he enjoyed natural disasters as long as it killed as many people as possible in an entertaining way.

You voting Trump fella?

That’s not the same. Carlin is actively rooting for disaster, the tweet is accepting disaster as inevitable and merely hoping it is funny.

This Forum is not welcoming of ideas outside of the Liberal/Progressive worldview. (That’s not a criticism, just an observation)

Sure am, dude!

I reckon you might seek reasons for a lack of compassion nearer to home.

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Sorry to hear about the death of your friend and associate.

Unlike many other folks in this Forum, my compassion isn’t rooted in the political affiliation of the afflicted.

Now go vote for the sexual assaulter, and bring back hanging!


Good point.

Unfortunately, I doubt Mr. Trump will bring back hanging.