2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

No doubt I often fall short in the compassion department. Like everyone else, I’m a “work in progress.”

However, I don’t celebrate bad things happening to people, even people I don’t like.

I don’t like much of anything about President Biden, but I don’t want him to be ill.

In my opinion, being HAPPY about someone having COVID is disgusting.

Honestly, the coconut thing is a forced meme.

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The “context of all that has come before” one is kinda funny, but I haven’t bothered to look up the coconut thing.

A big problem Harris has, like Biden, is she doesn’t trust her ability to speak well enough to just speak like an intelligent charismatic person, like Obama or Bill Clinton, and so she also tends spout out various uncontroversial platitudes and triangulated language in a way that alienates people.

She attended the Hillary Clinton school of campaign rhetoric, especially “how to get people to vote for you who were already going to vote for you anyway.”


This disgust seems rather arbitrary given the guy you’re going to be voting for.

On a personal level I think it might be more of an arms length thing. For instance I’m sure you don’t like imagining what it’s going to be like to have the “largest deportation” in American history.

Now you know what your tax dollars are paying for!

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I haven’t followed Kamala the Vice President at all… but apparently she is bad at it?

Wasn’t there at least a point in time when she was grilling people on Capitol Hill as a senator? Unless I am going fucking insane, I thought that was a thing?

Biden has already been thrown under the bus. He’s a massive dog now. We have no idea what other hiccups he will have between now and the election.

Any other Democrat not named Hillary is a coin flip.


apparently biden has told jeffries and schumer in the last hour that he will not step aside.

Mr. Trump disgusts me on a regular basis. About once every week or three, I ask myself, “I live in California, which means my vote doesn’t really count anyway, so why should I vote for a horrible guy like Trump?.” Definitely a Hobson’s Choice for me.

Having said that, I’ll be voting anyway for Senate (Garvey) and House (Kim), so I may as well suck it up and vote for a chance of a 7-2 or 8-1 Supreme Court, and a possible end to the Illegal Immigration mess while I’m already there voting anyway.

Does that make sense?

This has been my position since the day after the debate and it is blindingly obvious to anyone with a lick of sense:


Biden is not just going to lose the election, he is going to poison the well for the rest of the Ds. The stink of vouching for Biden will be with them for the rest of their careers.


this is absolutely the play. ainec. but it’s never going to happen. he’s talking about stepping aside, in case that wasn’t obvious.


If it was up up to the democratic party he would’ve been gone already. However it’s down to one stubborn old man’s decision. From all the interviews that he has done he’s not even willing to acknowledge polls or voters concerns let along quit the race. It’s up to the Woohan flu at this point.

Would win the election in a landslide and bring about a new era of peace and prosperity.



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I agree with that

I’m just working 100% backwards from “what’s the best chance to win?” Which of course is a hypothetical candyland. And you’re absolutely right that if a mini convention went bad, it would backfire bigtime.

But dems are in such a hole that it feels like they really need to shake the national etch-a-sketch. I’m not gonna attempt some range vs range equity calculation because I’d suck at that, but to my causal politics brain a coronated Kamala just doesn’t seem like a very strong candidate (for example in swing states). This isn’t a persuasion election it’s an enthusiasm election.

Any reasonable mini-convention would have to start weeks before Chicago. But I can at least imagine how it might go: a series of individual national tv interviews, a debate, another debate, a bee beard competition…it would cause an unbelievable amount of (I’m sorry) buzz. People would be riveted, it would suck the oxygen out of trump’s rallies, and the whole thing would close at chicago with our champion’s speech, which could be given from a festooned podium or perhaps the iron throne, where our nominee could be surrounded by all their vanquished colleagues / fellow americans, who we’d know were all thrilled to be vanquished because of how widely and believably they were smiling, having all been repeatedly electroshocked, and having all been welcomed to the stage for this supreme keynote address by none other than the dulcet and dignified tones of hologram joe

It’s easier for me to imagine whoever emerges from this uniquely american spectacle as a person who could get max asses into the booths—including Kamala btw, who I think in this world would be a far stronger candidate than she is now. And we’ll have to figure out how to handle all the protests going on outside, but what could go wrong? it’s Chicago.

this president pageant could make a lot of the electorate feel involved again, with a shared (and ceaselessly repeated) goal of ultimately getting behind one candidate. Which also seems like a potential problem with current kamala; e.g. in that upthread poll we were split down the middle, and even though everybody voting there will show up to vote for a coronated kamala if that’s what happens, what we do doesn’t much matter in an enthusiasm election that will be won in large part on what low-propensity voters do.

finally the most important benefit to this democratic party gras is that for a few weeks the whole country would be focused on a parade of different & younger voices, who together would be refocusing our collective attention away from this whole fucking mess and directly on the only thing that matters: i.e. total shit for brains donald trump

btw I would also be very proud to back the nomination of President Tay-Tay. I just want to win. And if there is a bee beard contest, then it’s President Oprah’s to lose.

I know you just want to win too. The bottom line is I have doubts that an untested Kamala is strong enough and at this point I’d rather roll the dice, in large part because the strongest theoretical version of someone like Whitmer seems so awfully strong to me. She’s a badass woman in an abortion election who seems to win not only the votes but also the allegiance of these swing voter michiganders again & again and who is also a SA survivor in an election against an obscene rapist. But I’m wrong all the time about everything and either way we’re never gonna know, so whatever happens, I sure hope we win, or else everybody’s gonna be blaming each other forever, which is a shame since the actual blame should be laid one hundred percent at the feet of joe biden and his band of sycophants who in a sane world would have announced at least a year ago that he was withdrawing, so we could have had a proper primary instead of whatever the fuck this is because even in the best of all worlds: right now we’re on the ropes.

but we’re not dead yet


Meow that’s a candidate I can get behind




whoa, this reporting is pretty crazy. knives are coming out for real.

