2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)


Current state of the democratic party. Theyā€™re playing prevent defense down 21 in the 3rd Quarter.




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if youā€™re ever in northeast ohio, holler. iā€™ll buy you some eggs and bacon :+1:t3:

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Iā€™m not saying Biden hiding his condition is the worst thing that a politician has done, but political decisions are very high-stakes, so itā€™s not surprising that really misguided ones, or ones that were made by someone with very different values from yours, can have terrible consequences. But politicians are supposed to have some vision of the public good and try to pursue it. Itā€™s an expected failure mode of politics that sometimes a guy gets in who has a bad vision or who pursues it unwisely.

Itā€™s just different for a politician who knows that heā€™s not up the job and canā€™t run a decent campaign to hide that fact until he can entrench himself in the nomination. Itā€™s a political sin, not a moral one. Kind of like how a defense attorney keeping someone guilty of murder out of jail is morally bad but the right thing to do, and forging evidence to keep an innocent person out of jail would be morally good but a serious violation of legal ethics.

All delegates to the National Convention pledged to a presidential candidate shall in all good conscience reflect the sentiments of those who elected them.

Really makes you think

I donā€™t think heā€™s ā€œhidingā€ his condition as much as heā€™s just in denial. He thinks he can do the ā€œbigā€ things, like foreign policy, well, so why sweat minor things like losing train of thought or forgetting names. Obviously, his ā€œteamā€ shares this assessment, which happens to be strongly consistent with their self interest.

A major problem with his decline is that itā€™s forcing him to rely on 50 years of canned politician speak instead of actual engagement with issues and questions, and voters subconsciously recognize that and hate it. (It was a weakness for Biden even in good times.) Trumpā€™s strongest ability is that he sounds ā€œauthenticā€ because he says a lot of crazy, stupid shit and people, especially dumb people, respect that. Itā€™s how the worldā€™s biggest liar becomes a "truth teller. " Because Biden is in decline heā€™s holding on to verbal hand rails that make his condition appear even worse than it is.


If thatā€™s what he thinks, I think heā€™s right and that he would be a better POTUS over the next 4 years than whoever the Dems would replace him with. But, whatever, heā€™s still doing to lose and any replacement would also lose.

I mean this is all the product of two eras of reforms. The problem with rules, in law and elsewhere, is they often fail to serve their intended purpose in unforeseen situations.


I donā€™t understand this ā€œconditionā€ stuff. Yeah, maybe heā€™s hiding a dementia or some other diagnosis, but is there any documented proof of that? He acts just the way Iā€™d suspect some 81 year olds with a lifelong stuttering problem to act

Heā€™s simply too old to run for president. I donā€™t see why we have to complicate it with unproven assertions of dementia or brain damage. Unless Iā€™m wrong and there is proof


I donā€™t disagree, but I think the views of normy voters need significant consideration. As uninformed as the average ā€œundecidedā€ voter is, almost everyone knows age related decline is inconsistent with the presidency. Thatā€™s why itā€™s been Trumpā€™s game plan for his entire campaign.

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Our eyes are proof, hard not to come to that conclusion after 6 months straight of him looking completely lost every opportunity he gets.





Why does it say in the text that Schiff is calling on TRUMP to end his reelection bid?

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No can do, Jack, it would be undemocratic to do what the vast majority of the people you represent want you to do.

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ā€œHELP! HELP! Iā€™M IN OHIO!ā€


For sanity reasons I have mostly been staying out of discussions about whether to replace Biden.

My initial reaction is that he should probably step down.

However I am also confident that at least a few red states would try to find some way of keeping the new person off the ballot. And probably succeed. Even if itā€™s not a state that Biden would win, it would fuck downballot Dems

Being scared of hypothetical ratfuckery should not dictate Demā€™s choice, but practically speaking, this may negate any advantage that Harris etc. may have over Biden

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