2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

You mean economically anxious people


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I saw that at a diner in rural Ohio


Biden’s decline was really only hidden by being in a bubble. The right and independents and comedians and everyone not burying their head in the sand has been talking about Biden’s decline constantly and everyone here (like me) just never clicked on those links because we thought they were fake news.


I partly agree with that and for sure a piece of how indignant I am right now is bc I feel dumb for being willfully blind. But imo the debate was a difference in kind and the stories coming out now seem mostly in the direction of yeah it’s been going on for a while but in the last year or so it’s gotten a lot worse. As it does.

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I almost did a “we can’t get rid of Biden before we’ve ESTABLISHED THE RUN” joke earlier actually, just couldn’t quite get the phrasing.

Yeah I mean surely primary voters are almost entirely “vote blue no matter who” types. I think even K-Hive types would come around by the time of the election. Casual and swing voters don’t participate in primaries, so why would they care?

This is just more “we can’t Break The Norms” stuff, just amazing they are going to cling to this all the way into running a guy with a brain like a melting icecream for most powerful person on Earth.

I have thought he was in cognitive decline for ages, it has only recently become clear to me how bad this is getting though.


The last 18 hours of this thread have been excellent. I’ve been scattering hearts around everywhere, quite often to folks with completely opposing stances to each other.


Klein is 100% spot on here, Biden is going to lose more votes (in states that actually matter) if the DNC tries to ram the nomination through than he would in Ohio (a state that doesn’t actually matter) if he is left off the ballot. How people whose entire job it is to win elections don’t realize this is mindboggling.

It’s also preposterous to believe that the DNC would even be considering ramming the nomination through this far ahead of the convention if Biden had a 70% approval rating and was leading in the polls by 10 points, it’s insulting to pretty much everyone’s intelligence that they are pretending this is all about some technicality in Ohio and not about them trying to ram through one of the worst candidates in modern election history who just had a disastrous debate performance and is facing calls in all directions from members of his own party to dropout.


Yeah, I dunno about this. If you’re an actual delegate and you’re peddling this Ohio BS to other delegates rather than educating them about the good conscience clause…. You’re going to need to knock on a lot of doors to outweigh the harm you’re doing.


I feel much the same way. An important point though is that a lot of my belief that Biden’s decline wasn’t that bad was based on the notion that he wouldn’t be running for president if his condition was this poor. Prediction markets gave him a one-third chance of being the nominee last fall. The fact that he ran again was new information. The problem is just that the new information was a lie, and people who thought Biden was a responsible public servant who could be trusted to act with some basic honor were being played for fools.


As is often the case when seemingly decent people make terrible decisions, the people around him really seem to be behaving in a truly disgusting way. Jill Biden could end this shit tomorrow.

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I can’t agree with this enough. It is one thing for Dems to be completely ineffectual and indifferent, no surprises there. But this time they have somehow figured out a way to make the most addle-brained reactionaries in the US actually right about something for the first time in their lives. I really am a gullible sheep! It’s really true! I often think of myself as pretty cynical about this stuff; distanced. But I am genuinely viscerally angry about this.


Lucy holding the football

Every goddamn time my whole life. Really sick of watching people memory hole and be as naive as possible even while they’re thinking they’re cynical or realist or whatever

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You’re wrong. Setting aside Trump, you’d have to go all the way back to Nixon to find as serious a betrayal of the basic contract between citizens and a politician, at least as I conceive of it.

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Ahhh well all we need for “progressives” to win is to have no one campaign against them!

This makes sense for primaries. Not for generals. I find views like this and angryqueer’s “I’m voting for the guy who put less kids in cages and didn’t fund a genocide” to be incredibly naive if not outright disingenuous

It’s often game theory optimal to make the less bad choice. We defend our bb with a -EV hand, not because it’s profitable, but because we figure to lose less than the cost of the bb on average. We split eights in blackjack, not because it’s profitable to do so, but because we lose less than the alternative. We take out insurance policies not because we figure to gain, but to avoid a possible catastrophic loss

I’m all for not supporting Biden. But in the end, if you’re a leftist and don’t vote for whoever is the least worse choice than Trump, I just don’t believe you really hold progressive values, or that you’re very smart


Lying about WMDs and a connection to 911 to start a war that sent hundreds of thousands of Americans to Iraq and lead to the deaths of millions of people wasn’t a betrayal?

Style over substance. Norms over lives. You expect to be lied to about serious things.


The poll provides some evidence that Black Democrats are among Biden’s strongest supporters, with roughly half in the survey saying he should continue running, compared to about 3 in 10 white and Hispanic Democrats. Overall, seven in 10 Americans think Biden should drop out, with Democrats only slightly less likely than Republicans and independents to say that he should make way for a new nominee.




I’ve been thinking at length about statecraft and its practitioners, and believe I’ve identified the ideal nominee: The Wizard of Oz. Yes, he’s a fraud, but they’re all frauds. At least the Wizard has the decency to admit it in the end. We deserve someone like that.

I also like the idea of painting countries different colors on purely aesthetic grounds.



Huckabeast on that ozempic. Another bbw lost to history