2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

I’m getting suspicious seeing all the hardcore leftists backing biden and the so-called “shitlibs” demanding he step down. Switching my allegience to pro-biden staying in. If they’re doing a weekend at bernies on joe I’d prefer that over kamala empowered do her own thing unburdened by what has been.

And if it’s a plot to wound the democratic party by forcing it to face an epic blowout loss, that’s fine too


no it’s not. president endorsing it is a big fucking deal. even when the fed soc did it surreptitiously, reforming the judiciary takes decades,

If you are on the fence about removing Biden or Biden having a chance just go take a look at the battleground polling. Biden is doing awful in all the places he absolutely has to win. He is toast.

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That’s called old age and could be nothing more than being 81 with a stutter. I don’t know your profession, but even if you’re a neurologist, I doubt you’re qualified to make a medical diagnosis without examining him in person

What’s wrong with just saying he’s too old? Why throw around names of diseases and disorders you can’t possibly know he has?


LOL Biden’s stutter. Come on.

The party hasn’t even nominated anybody yet so while they may try they will not succeed. If Biden can ram through this virtual roll call and get the nom early than yeah, it’s gg.

There’s no penalty for being hyperbolic on the internet, the most prosaic interpretation is that Biden has lost a few steps since 2020 (as elderly people do), is in denial about his capabilities (standard), and no one in his inner circle has the stones to tell him the truth (also, standard). At the same time, it’s certainly a disservice to voters if we’ve all been wildly mislead about Biden’s capabilities, and voters are right to be angry about it.



It’s you Jack


I just want to settle on a candidate and commit 100% to beating Donald Trump.

I don’t think we will ever be completely settled on Biden - the seeds have been sown (at least), and both whispered and shouted doubts are now part of the deal. I was worried about whether he could win before the debate, but I definitely do not think he can win with people like Adam Schiff publicly saying they think he’s toast.

So the choices are: Biden, and everybody shut the fuck up; or somebody else. I’m pretty convinced everybody isn’t going to shut the fuck up, so it needs to be somebody else. And the only way we get someone else without their own terminal baggage is if Biden steps down. There is absolutely no way this works if he doesn’t step down willingly.


if you mean politicians, i still think this is just the progressives covering their ass for when they inevitably get blamed as usual for any democrats losing in November. so they at least have some receipts saying they didnt cause the divide.

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I don’t think Schiff would stick his pencil neck out without feeling like he wasn’t going to get hung out to dry so I think the Biden removal talk is going to ramp back up.


Just insane for people to suggest that it’s not Biden that’s the issue and that Kamala can’t run closer to these folks

Biden getting replaced won’t make everyone stfu. It will cause another segment of people to be really mad and then they won’t stfu.

Biden aint the guy so even if the replacement has a very low chance it’s still better than Biden imo.

Kamala’s chances, while slim, are way better than Biden’s imo. Anything is better than 0%.


This is why it absolutely has to be Biden stepping down voluntarily with a full-throated endorsement of his replacement. You’re right some people will never stfu no matter what, but so it goes.



Bernie says:

“I’m not aware that anyone thinks that Joe Biden is the best candidate in the history of the world, or that he’s an ideal candidate, and nobody will argue with you that he has a … [trails off] He admitted it. Sometimes he gets confused about names. You’re right - sometimes he doesn’t put three sentences together. It is true. But the reality of the moment is, in my view, he is the best candidate the Democrats have for a variety of reasons, and trying, in an unprecedented way, to take him off the ticket would do a lot more harm than good”


Sure someone can convince him of this and tell him how good it’ll be to step down hand over the reins to new generation and ride off into sunset, fuckin Jill I assume is failing us


yeah. in fact that is the ONLY way to get people close to shutting up. is if he steps down and endorses. a small group of people will still try to shout that he was forced out, but that’s the only way we are even dimming this chaos.

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AOC/Bernie telling Joe to stay in and Pelosi/Schumer telling him to drop out is a bit goofy.


The progressives supporting Biden might be thinking in an accelerationist fashion also? Let the EDems get trounced and hope the party can change for the better?

That’s probably wishful thinking. But my personal preference is for Trump to lose, and if not that then the Dems to be humiliated in the worst way possible.

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