2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

It’s not next week. Or if it is, No notifications to delegates has gone out about it yet.

Here’s Harrison’s followup:

Technicality?! Seriously?

For the last few cycles it has always been a “technicality”for OH and other states to give a waiver to the RNC and DNC for their convention certifications.

For the first time ever, OH decided not to do so, and that help to create this drama. As a result, the DNC acted in our best interests in May and decided to move forward with a virtual vote. The Governor called a special session to address the situation. However, the OH GOP decided to play games, refused to pass a clean fix, and passed a bill that included a poison pill for OH legislative Democrats. Furthermore, they passed the bill as a non-emergency bill which meant we have to wait 90 days for enactment. Meaning the bill is not enacted until September after the original August 7 deadline.

So are we supposed to rely upon the good will of those same people?! Please. Don’t gaslight me!

As for timing: Have you heard me say that we are moving on the vote next week? Have you seen me release a calendar on the vote timing? The only thing you have heard us say is that we must get this done by August 5th to give us time to comply by August 7th.

There is a lot that has to happen in that period… rules committee meeting, rules passed, notifications sent, ballots sent & counted, notarized, etc.

Maybe you should stop speculating and base your commentary on the facts as stated not by unnamed sources, but the entity that is taking the action.

As for your last point… that’s just a plain stupid assertion from someone who follows elections. There are voters who turn out to vote only in Presidential election years. It is the reason turnout is higher in Presidential elections than in midterms. So to not have the Dem nominee on the OH ballot would be malpractice and devastating for turnout for all our races including a key US Senate race, House and legislative races.

I am putting you on ignore. Please do not reply to any of my posts again.


In what universe is Biden winning Ohio? If he releases his delegates, they can vote for anyone. This is (mostly) on Biden.

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But I was a delegate for Otto Weis! I did my goodest!

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Biden is way outside the margin of error on basically every PA poll done in the last 6 months. The election is over if the Dems stick with Biden.

They’re picking the nominee if Biden drops.

And literally anyone would be better. So they do have the fate of the country in their hands. Or else what is their job? Purely ceremonial? If so LOL at that shit.

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I think I’d rather “risk it” and not lock-in Biden now but I know you want to lock-in Biden and don’t think changing is good idea so agree to disagree, thanks for response

In the interests of full transparency on the roll call vote, here are the relevant pages from our delegate onboarding and info packet as of July 11th

Also I’m not sure this is the consensus, I think the consensus is lol law won’t save us but not sure consensus agree with rushing ahead because of this

Let’s poll it

Wait and risk it or go with joe
  • Let’s go joe
  • Let’s gambol
  • Bastard
0 voters


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And if we got boned on waiting it would continue to be lol law

We’re all frustrated right now, but there’s no need to get personal and there’s no need to scapegoat the one person here actually trying to do something.


No serious person is suggesting pledged delegates shouldn’t vote for Biden. Many serious people are saying that 72% of Americans think he’s unfit to govern, so he should swallow his pride and withdraw from the race with his dignity intact.


2016: DNC SUCKS! They’re evil! Fucking EDems! Change the rules!
2017: DNC Sucks!
2018: DNC Sucks LOL Dems
2020: You changed the rules for us but DNC Rigged! Sucks! Evil EDems!
2021: LOL Fuck the Edems! DNC Sucks!
2022: DNC Sucks, Down with the EDems!
2023: DNC Sucks, except maybe on Abortion but that doesn’t matter!

2024: DNC Please save us we love you now, I promise!

Surely you can understand why I’m skeptical

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Do what exactly? Nominate Biden? That’s the last thing we need.

It isn’t scapegoating at all when I’m suggesting that people with the power to nominate a presidential candidate shouldn’t nominate someone who can’t win.

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fyp to what we are actually thinking


I have never held the views you set out and I think Biden should withdraw because most voters think he’s too old to be president, and because he’s too old to be president.


Also considering most of us weren’t Biden primary supporters, it’s not like we put us in this spot did we?

I think you are misrepresenting the forums views just a tad


Sure hope Biden doesn’t die tomorrow. Can’t get him off the ticket! Delegates pledged! Gotta respect the process.