2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

Dems don’t need to cater to Bernie voters, except to the extent they are indicative of less educated white and latino men more generally.

The party came together to anoint Biden in 2020 because he was a vanilla candidate who most thought could beat Trump, which he did barely. Now the party wants Joe out because he’s on track to lose, mainly because he cannot legally operate a vehicle, but he apparently only listens to God, who has been no friend of his.

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That’s right, they are. The latest example is the norm against assassinating candidates. Everyone here thought that was the nail in Biden’s coffin, despite it making no logical sense that makes Trump a better President.

Do you think Biden is the best candidate?

Last major poll was NYT which was Trump +2 with an error margin of 3.8 pts. This is just not true.

Especially when he’s arguing for an even worse option. I want Biden to step aside but if the Trump years have taught us anything it’s that Dems need to cater more to normy whites and latinos, not the left of the party. Hell, Biden would be doing fine if the reaction of the average uninformed voter wasn’t that he’s weak and senile. He’s basically in the Dukakis/Kerry zone in terms of average voter impression.

Leaks are often strategy agreed on by everyone. They give it to the media on the condition that they can say “whoa this was just a leak”

Usually this is when it’s an anonymous quote or whatever, run to guage public reaction, but this “leak” also seems to fit the bill

Imagine defending the Democratic Party right now


The democratic party is doing it’s best to throw Biden under the bus but is being opposed by the democratic party (ie, mainly Biden).

As Trump said, however, Biden is a political genius for nominating a politically toxic VP.

So owning the left is more important than making any modicum of progress. This post is the shitlib version of

I was told that this was the place to panic but am starting to wonder if I'm having a mental health situation

The bananas thing is that biden for sure could still win; we’re all so polarized and so hooked on nickel slot news that he could still win. But he’s a heavy underdog. So to actually run him still? at these odds, at these stakes??

What a heartbreaker. They just got handed a once-in-a-generation gift when biden malfunctioned, a phenomenal stroke of luck. They had all the cover in the world to press reset and try someone else, which would not only have been the right thing to do politically and strategically, but historically and morally and the first proactive hopeful thing in forever at a time when millions of people really really needed it.

It wouldve been a big risk, but for all the right reasons that you’re supposed to take risks for. A chance to get Whitmer or whoever else with an obviously better chance to beat trump which is the only thing that matters, and to finally make our break with this septic generation that will be way too dead to understand the consequences, that they currently understand worse than a menu QR code. But when Biden and his team of rationalizing psychos lost their bet, it gave us an actual exit door out of this neverending haunted wax museum, because no matter how many talking points we keep getting about monopoly rules & regulations, I simply don’t buy it, I don’t buy that an entire political system’s hands are just tied in terms of pledges and donations and that the zillion political insiders & talking heads & editorial boards who all called for a mini convention are all just wrong. No way. If enough players had really wanted him out, then the democrats would have handed joe biden his hat. Which I’m assuming is some kind of newsboy cap.

But that’s not what happened. Instead, everybody just stood there trying not to make eye contact with each other. Hands in their pockets, fingers crossed for 2028, not moving an inch because they might accidentally nudge one of these epic chains of dominoes leading us literally anywhere else. It’s like, god damn, we already knew they were completely addicted to handing the GOP our lunch money, but this one really takes the cake.

And the worst part is that I’m such a sucker I’ll now spend the next four months showing up for Biden. Because the other guys are outside rattling the gates and it just feels important, and bc I’ll tell myself that it matters. What a bunch of born victims.

It’s demoralizing. It’s demoralizing. To be sitting here drowning in anxiety, but still wanting deep down to defend ourselves, to fight, to pitch in, to do anything, but instead to just get yelled at again by the same democrat game theory failures who when the rubble clears will 100% be remembered as the hand-waving yins to the GOP’s head-chopping yangs, because it always takes both: you need sins of commission and sins of omission and though none of us are getting away from this with clean hands, this time when we really started looking for some true leadership, when we pulled back the curtain we didn’t even get a smoke machine, just a closet and a mop. And wait that wizard of oz analogy might even hold up, we can make trump the tornado and those monkeys had red hats, and our politicians lack heart brains and courage though I’m not sure where that leaves the rest of us, we can’t be munchkins because desantis already called it and we can’t be the good witch bc at least she had some style, I guess we might be the house, especially when the insurance companies all screw us, but ok I seem to have answered my own question with another overwritten post, sorry guys but looks like we’re all Toto now, getting dog walked through a bad dream while the keyboard goes yip


I don’t think there’s an answer that I can give that won’t piss you off. But any kind of positive change almost definitely requires putting in lots of hard and boring work within the confines of the Democratic party.

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There’s just no good way for an incumbent President to step down other than them deciding to do so of their own accord.

Basically every modern time that an incumbent President faced a Primary challenge, that party got smoked in the general and the challenger did not vault their own career to anything higher.

The only person I’m mad at is President Biden for not having the courage to admit and face down his own mortality and step down for the good of the country.


Sounds like a bunch of bullshit. Nice to see that Harrison landed on his feet after sucking $100 million into his doomed campaign though.


Dems need a Fetterman, but not the clinically depressed stroke version. Warren and Pete are my type, even Newsome, but I like bands who no one else likes, so I’m just happy if someone puts on RHCP or Metallica so I am not forced to listen to bad country. I don’t expect my preferences to prevail.

True story: someone was playing MAGA country at the local bar so I spent like $25 to skip ahead with neutral milk hotel, joy division, animal collective, Jane’s addiction, etc. Wish I could do that in politics.


Some actual legal analysis:

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You literally can. Supreme Court says so

Oh wait, are you a poor?

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This is your guy now!


Not sure what he was doing but Rudy veered a little too far to the right here.


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Rudy really needs to hit up some fitness classes.

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