2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

And I was right? Like the fact you were wrong but sucked on the right EDem teats to get to vote for a decrepit selfish POS at the convention doesn’t make you right.


I’m just glad to finally see you admit it’s you vs us, not that we’re on the same team as you used to claim during the 2019 primaries.


100% this. It’s EDems vs. the actual left which is a huge block in this country.

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Idea: let’s introduce some layers between people voting in their states’ primaries and the final confirmation the nominee, but don’t allow them to do anything, just make their roles pure theater. For fun :wink:


In your own personal experience, that’s probably true.

Would it surprise you that I actually agree with the Bernie side and removing superdelegates from the equation? Guess what, I do.

And where were you in 2019 when this entire board was piling on me?

C’mon… being a delegate at one of these things is a ceremonial celebration for people that put in work with local parties and convinced people that they were worthy of the experience. There’s no world where they are personally responsible for this outcome.


The Dems are the problem. I’ve been posting that for almost a decade. I don’t respect people who uphold the “norms” that keep actual progress from happening in the country I live in. The Dems are a placeholder for an actual left party that would attempt to do things to progress the country. That’s 100% why we are in a huge slide right.


Respectfully, what are you doing about it besides voting every few years and grumbling on the internet?

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I’ve protested a couple times and besides that nothing. What do you think I could do to unseat the EDem machinery?


None of that sounds like a big deal.

However, this does:


The chances that I could be convinced to do more work to help replace my boss is approximately 0% as well.

And look here is my bigger manifesto. Supporting the Dems and the left in flyover country is a dangerous proposition. You sacrifice friends, family and in some cases professional opportunities because you don’t think it’s right to fraternize with Open Trumpers and the like. And for what exactly?

What exactly does the Democratic Party offer someone in that situation? Please explain it to me? It doesn’t offer hope. It doesn’t offer change. It doesn’t even offer a roadmap to anything. It’s literally just the opposition party to Trump. But when your guy is a barely able to talk old fool how do you even feel morally or ethically superior to the moron class? How do you justify continuing to support a party that has literal zero intention of following through on any of the bullshit they spew during election season?


I mean is that not obvious? The policies that the Dems fake having are popular. Very popular. So some generic or new Dem has some hope of being someone who could actually enact those policies. Biden does not. Especially not as a corpse. And especially not as someone who is about to lose this election in a landslide the country may never recover from.

Every country thinks it can’t happen to them. This country has been fooled by geography and luck into thinking we are special. But we aren’t. And the fact we don’t have a viable opposition party to the fascism is going to fuck us over sooner or later. Probably sooner.

So no I don’t respect people who are trying to prop up monsters like Biden, Pelosi, Feinstein and the like. How could I?


This is just unnecessary.


I’m sorry but it isn’t.

So that’s a lot of words to say we are covered by the new law but please believe us we are just doing this cuz we are worried about shenanigans even though the law is clearly on our side?

I’ve answered this many times, but since you share the same fatalism and lack of patience as many of your progressive/DSA/non-Edem brothers and sisters, of course it never changes.

Also, it’s not gonna happen overnight, as much as you want it to, and it’s not gonna happen at the presidential national convention. It happens starting at the local level, in county parties and on school boards and town councils. And it takes a long time.

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It’s not going to happen ever with Joe Biden and the rest of the EDem stooges you support. Period. Stop supporting them.

And what was the reasoning for moving it up to next week?

Sure? But the LOL Law thread and the general consensus of this forum for years seems to indicate that covering our asses is better than hoping the republican legislators and judges in ohio will stick to their word.

Literally the courts are lost, the entire government is lost in the next 6 months most likely and we have people here arguing we shouldn’t fight and just rubber stamp a literal geriatric fuck who wasn’t good in the first place to fight back?

It’s impossible to be that naive.