2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

Sad for those voters. I would still like to highlight his past as a violent rapist. I talked to low information voters in the hospital who think those stories are fake news from victims trying to make money off a rich man. In their words, this kind of thing happens to any man who accumulates wealth.

This is why negative messaging doesn’t work with Trump at this point, you’re just reminding his fans why they like him.

Early roll call vote is so the D nominee can appear on the Ohio ballot.

Sadly talking aout it more will just entrench those views.

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Any remaining steam behind “remove Joe Biden from the ticket” has evaporated like the edge of Donald Trump’s ear.

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Maybe I’m naive but I think more people would be moved if we started every reference to him as “Convicted criminal and violent rapist Donald J Trump today narrowly missed a bullet to his head…”

What’s the alternative? More Home Alone 2 jokes?


Harrison’s post for those who don’t have twitter:

Nate… you can call me a lot of things but a liar is definitely not one of them.

I know you THINK you know every thing but class is now truly in session.

Pull up a chair:

  • The DNC started this process in May in response to the OH Secretary of State stating that our convention was after their deadline and no waiver would be provided
    *The current law in OH requires certification by Aug 7 to ensure a presidential candidate is on the ballot for November
    *Gov. DeWine signed into law on 6/2 a bill delaying the deadline until Sept 6
    *Under the OH constitution the new law doesn’t take effect until 90 days after enactment which is 9/1
  • Therefore the August 7th deadline will still be in place… giving rise to litigation and/or GOP games to create more hurdles and road blocks

So if we did nothing, then from August 7th- September 6th, we would not be in compliance with the OH law.

To not have a presidential candidate on a state ballot would have enormous consequences and >impacts on turnout for all races on the ballot.

So you can definitely take that risk and other chances when you Chair a party… I however will not.


The creepy quotes are more effective, imo. They make the point and are analogous, in tone and style, to other craven shit he says.

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Tell people what Dems will give them if they vote for them. Give them what they most crave. The Dem path is always the same - identify what people desperately need, and promise to give it to them - and Dems are always reluctant to walk that path. Yet when they do it and keep things simple they can win (Obama equals healthcare, Joe equals stability).


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skydiver vs Nate?

let them fight . jpg



We did the norms right before we got marched off to the camps. Did everything we could!


All rape is violence.

I mean to be fair sex is violence. It’s just consensual in the acceptable cases.

I mean, laugh all you want. All but like 2 of the delegates who are eligible to vote on the first ballot at the convention are pledged to vote for Biden.

I think it’s two uncommitted from Michigan or wherever.

the 700 superdelegates aren’t eligible for the first round vote thanks to Bernie.

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Who cares? Voting for some zombie empty suit is fucking sick when you consider the consequences. Full stop.


The people who voted for us to be a delegates in our districts? I take my job as a representative seriously.

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Good for you. I hope you feel good after the election too.

Seriously. 8 years ago you were right there bitching about how undemocratic the DNC is, blah blah blah…and now that it’s convenient for YOU, you want us to be undemocratic again?

Sorry. I don’t trust you not to shank us if we were to do that and choose “wrong”