2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

Plot twist: Trump releases his and it turns out he was born in Kenya.


This is way false

There will be a lot of people that will continue to take the “lesser of two evils” approach. Probably way fewer than last time though.


Remind me again when the media started running nonstop “Biden’s too old” stories?

It wouldn’t actually matter if you are born overseas, you are still considered a natural born citizen as long as at least one of your parents is in the KKK.


Panic? What panic?

2024 President

Biden 46
Trump 42
Other 9



God bless anti vaxxer weirdo dude.

“falling inflation” doesn’t matter when prices never ever go back down. it just means prices go up slower.

somewhere in the last year or two, companies have embraced squeezing every cent. so low unemployment and lower inflation means jack shit, author is obv fos.


In my anecdotal world there are a lot more “Biden doesn’t even know where he is” type guffawing going around than a few months ago.

Probably prodded along by a highly targeted social media campaign resistance libs will never even be aware of.

Looks pretty good until you realize other = Trump


it probably does feel like prices never come down, but they absolutely do come down in raw dollars, and even more so in inflation-adjusted dollars.

also not factual to claim that companies have embraced squeezing every cent in the last year or two. that literally happened since at least forever, yet depending on which goods category you look at, and zoom out far enough, falling costs are basically a certainty for anything that gets consumed in large enough global quantities


the author is an economics nobel winner. i hope you meant that sarcastically

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I think Wiper is talking about nominal prices not real prices


idgaf what macro-level graphs from 1890 say, mcdonald’s double cheeseburgers aren’t going back to $1.29.

or $1.99 or $2.99 for that matter. i’m sure the nobel committee appreciates the statistical fuckery, but that doesn’t mean aisha from youngstown can afford more than the necessities at walmart twice a month on a $40k salary or whatever.


so what is your conclusion from this? that the people who are struggling to buy shit and have nothing leftover after paying their bills are just imagining it in their heads and/or being brainwashed by the media?


If they would stop buying lobster and iPhones and Starbucks they wouldn’t be struggling!

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Seems hard. In part because how the trial is going will also impact his rating.

Rating now vs rating in the two weeks post conviction, something like that?

Walmart is clearly going to give aisha raises to keep pace with inflation


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Household debt is at an all time high

But the economy is good, you absolute moron

War is good, you illiterate vermin

Read this interview from a small business tyrant made rich by Democrat policy. He won’t vote D, but you should, because we absolutely hate you and your decision not to be a defense contractor. What are you going to do, vote for the party that wants you exterminated? Vote for the party who wants to keep you here and alive and in wage slavery because it realizes robots don’t clean bathrooms as well as you do, yet. You stupid fucking idiots. It will be your fault when we lose.


I don’t think that works because his rating right now is at an all time high.

The bet I would make is his rating goes up in the first polling post conviction.

Trump is going to win from prison because the price of eggs is high and Biden is too old, this country’s ability to make smart decisions is undefeated.


I don’t think people are imagining their financial difficulties. I just have trouble with the idea that people are objectively far worse off than they were 6 years ago (which is what people seem to be reporting in polling).

Either they are, and our economic indicators are failing us, or they aren’t, and people are just imagining it in their heads and/or being brainwashed by the media.