2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)



They’d really have had to rip the band-aid off and just changed everything overnight and said “figure it out assholes”. Like I think they started doing things like making new road signs with both miles and km listed, for example, which was never ever ever gonna work, the km part may as well have just been invisible to people.

This is absolutely true, and it would have worked. It took me less than a week of full metric immersion (when I walked the Camino de Santiago) to start thinking in metric. It helps that it’s infinitely more intuitive than the stupid system we use in USA#1. Going back was way harder.

I mainly drink sodas when driving, so it has to fit in my cupholder.

No you’re not nuts that 2 liter will taste like shit after a couple days of being open. 2 liters only work if you’re drinking huge amounts of soda or you don’t care if it’s flat.

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Nate Bargatze not very good at this

2L’s go flat within minutes of opening

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I think that’s part of what makes him funny, he seems like a dope lol.

More like 3 days. That’s the reason I don’t buy 2 liters unless it’s for a party or something.

Was just as Publix the other day. Coke 12-packs were $8.99 and there was a buy 2, get 1 free, so still $6 each. $8.99 seems to be the regular price nowadays.

i do this as well because im a huge diet pepsi drinker. for a good 4-6 months the 6pck of 16.9 ounce bottles was the same price per ounce as the 2Ls at my flyover walmart grocery… 3.88 or something for a 6pck. but last week they suddenly increased to 5.28 which sent me back to 2liters…

i would definitely prefer the 16.9 ounce bottles, but i’m not sure i prefer them at double the per ounce cost.

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Incredible SNL skit, in fact the whole episode was great.


lol wat? His timing and delivery were incredible.


Agreed. This was also elite:


Yeah, here’s one of the suits that have been filed. I think there are a few others.



VP is elected seperately in the Philippines.

It is a cluster fuck when they are deeply opposed, as happened during the Duterte presidency.

You basically had various armed factions coming down on opposing sides and threatening coups if Duterte died in office

The VP also was completely shut out of power, and was unable to contribute to effective government.

My problem with that is I have 2 liters go flat and end up throwing them away.

Unlike Kamala, who’s getting stuff done!

a lot of people are very, very concerned about Biden’s competence. obviously these people are never voting Democrat no matter what but it sucks we gave them such an easy out by running an 80 year old

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Have Biden or Trump even released their long form birth certificates? How can we be sure how old they really are?