2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

Seems a bit late for trial balloons so I guess it’s this guy. I’m not watching that video though.


JD vance has to be just the worst pick for VP. he brings literally no one to the table that trump already doesn’t have licking his boots.

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He’s a Senator in a swing state. And he hasn’t shot his dogs afaik.


if ohio is in play as a “swing” state in 2024 then the republicans should just shut it all down now, this election is over.

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Fair enough. I believe the all-knowing pundits still classify Ohio as a “swing state.” Obama won Ohio in 2012.

LOL at Ohio being a swing state. Trump won Ohio by more than he won Texas.

Edit: My pony probably got beat worse than Biden did in Ohio


So, who do you like better?

I think in Vance he sees someone who could appeal to normie republicans.

Nikki Haley would be the best VP choice for Trump, by far.

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Looks like Texas has replaced Ohio as a swing state. :smile:

Better than Tulsi?

Does anybody care about Tulsi anymore? He and Nikki could do the whole “coming together for the good of the nation” bit.

Brown woman can’t possibly be the best. DUCY?

Pro-Abortion Rights Hindu probably not an optimal GOP VP choice imo.

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Candace would be a great fit imo.

Damn Tulsi is a vegetarian also.


Yet another proverbial nail in Tulsi’s metaphorical coffin.

You have no idea how much the Republican base hates Haley. Like, almost as much as they hate Hillary Clinton.

She’s not Hindu.

“He was convicted by a jury of his peers of 34 felonies for paying hush money to a porn star and hiding it from voters in 2016,” he continued. “Donald Trump was found liable for sexual assault by a judge, who told us not to be fooled by Trump brushing it off. Here’s what the judge wrote. Quote, the judge in that case wrote, quote, ‘Mr. Trump attempted to minimize sexual abuse, finding it frivolous. Mr. Trump raped her.’ That’s the judge’s language, not mine. Raped her, as many people understand the word rape.”