2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

So there is more to the plan than get Elon’s money?

Trump’s plan is published.


It’s a lot of deporting, but also some electric car killing.

But how does that benefit Tesla?

Anyway I don’t take that completely seriously. I think I could stop the deporting if only I had $200B.

You mean the show where the President had an undisclosed medical condition that was covered up with the assistance of his wife and a few close advisors? A situation that almost threw the party into chaos when he had to decide whether he could successfully run for a second term while being investigated by a hostile Congress and a media that was hunting for a story? And the Catholic President eventually decides to stay in the race after having a dramatic conversation with God?

The only thing unrealistic about the West Wing version is that Jeb actually smoked the debate and the voters picked him over the clown from Florida.


Biden set a goal/mandate for electric cars. The CAFE and emissions laws pressure/force the development of electric cars. That means electric cars from GM, Ford, Honda, Toyota, Hyundai etc. That means competition. Tesla is doing electric cars regardless.

I see. I guess greasing Trump’s palm can’t hurt with the regardless electric car doing but I’m not sure that plan takes out the real competition. China could still eat their lunch.

Tarrifs are why China isn’t already

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Tarrifs can be circumvented. They have to be working on it. I mean Mexico is right there.

Biden helped him out there. 100% tariff on Chinese electric cars.

But… Tesla still sold 600k cars in China last year.

China is Tesla’s second biggest market and Tesla is the second biggest seller of electric cars in China (behind BYD).

My impression is Elon’s deal in China is getting worse all the time.

Yeah that’s what I’m saying. Tarrifs are the only reason China doesn’t currently own the USA EV market with no forseeable challenger

Tesla was #1 in China. Their sales flattened in 2023 and BYD has passed them.

BYD has a new car for $14k that is supposed to be quite good. It would probably crush in the US if it weren’t for the tariff.

Eh… Like I’m saying, Tesla has dominated here and done very well in China. But, that seems to be changing. Thing is though, Tesla aims at the expensive car market, so they may not even compete with that BYD car. It’s just the US government keeping non-rich people from getting an EV.

I’d be amazed if there are as many as a dozen members of the House and Senate in both parties combined who sincerely care about the well-being of their constituents.

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We agree that’s the situation now. Will it stay that way? I think Chinese EVs are coming.

I have read they can avoid the tariff by bringing them here indirectly, say through Mexico. I guess tariffs on Mexican goods could be next but that seems likely to cost Elon extra. And nothing prevents the Chinese or Mexico from puting in a competing bid with Trump.

What’s made me come around to believing Biden should drop out of the race is that all the liberal social media grifters are all-in on Team Biden. Shit like Brooklyn Dad sharing a video of some speech Biden gave and writing “CHILLS.”

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The grifting becomes a lot more lucrative during a trump presidency so it’s not surprising at all they want Biden to stay in the race


Who is idolizing who?

Polling averages:
July 13, 2020: Biden +8.8%
July 13, 2024: Trump +2.9%

I’m no expert but running 11 points worse than 2024 which was a squeaker seems pretty bad.


Even with 100% tariff, that’s only 28K, which is still very reasonable for a new EV, especially if it is quite good. Why aren’t they here?