2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

I agree for the most part

Yep. People are clutching their pearls at their illusions collapsing.



Look folks, i donā€™t talk so good anymore.


Whatā€™s the ā€œthisā€ referring to? Iā€™m not 100% clear on that.

Dems trying to get biden out

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Maybe they should just give Biden the teacher trombone voice from Charlie Brown going forward


I wonder how many MAGA folk in flyover country care about the name mixing up thing when it comes to foreign leaders. Macron vs Mitterand or even Putin vs Zelenskyy is not relevant to them. Iā€™d imagine their response would mostly be ā€œWho fucking knows and who fucking cares?ā€

These Democrats are trying to depose the President. This isnā€™t obvious?

Damn, maybe they should be arrested for treason.

The progressives got his back. Maybe Biden is the right choice

There is no war

Or they are just trying to hold him to his word. Heā€™s the one who said heā€™d just run for one term.

I remember vividly when Biden said that

I donā€™t remember him saying that at all

Oh, Iā€™m sorry, when he had his campaign leak that he was considering being a one-term president and heavily imply that he would by saying he was a transition president or whatever it was. Ok. Sorry, my bad. Completely wrong.

A politician had his campaign leak something that was untrue to increase his chance of winning?

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Itā€™s incredible how you all idolize these people like they really give a shit about what is best for you.

Well to be fair they do care about the main demographic on this forum



Preview sucks. Anyway a while back Elon said he had no $ for pols but I guess those Tesla billions are burning a hole in his pocket now.

Trumpā€™s plan to kill the electric car is good for Tesla. Really.

I mean, be careful what you wish for. After all the talk of how Trump has this unique hold on the GOP and heā€™s the only one that can get the morons to all come out and vote, I wouldnā€™t be at all surprised if they quickly serve up a milquetoast replacement and not only does every single MAGA loser fall in line, but all the never Trumpers dutifully return as well, and we wind up with a landslide GOP trifecta and a quiet but competent fascist that rubber stamps every piece of Project 2025 legislation.