2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

Just to add, the only difference is that unlike swiftboating and the emails, this scandal has actual substance to it. And unlike Clinton who was leading in the polls at this point in the cycle and Kerry who was about even, Biden is already eating shit. His position is much worse than both of those.


I have been predicting Trump to get assassinated before the election since the start of the year and still believe there to be a good chance with the way things are looking. It won’t be JFK style, that would rile up the neckbeards too much and risk serious violence, but some other more subtle way.


It’s fucking this. Lay the groundwork for something that might happen; then wait for the moment your opp proves that to be true.

Media doing their thing too, for the clicks.

What? All the violent people want to live in his sweaty ass crack they love him so much.

People thought at the time thought it was crazy when Trump said “I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, okay, and I wouldn’t lose any voters, okay?”

Turned out to be one of the rare times he was completely truthful

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Looks like someone’s got a broken sarcasm detector here. I suppose it could be me, but I doubt it.

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Trump fights these off like they’re nothing.


I knew it was sarcastic and I’m sure flush did too. We were just using as a jumping off post to make a point.

He already made that point, which is why I was confused. Carry on.

I’m confused about what you’re confused about. My post was serious. I missed the sarcasm.

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I was confused because clovis suggested that you didn’t miss it.

If you did, everything makes sense, as far as you posts go.

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This really is like a slow motion coup tho


I guess one good thing is that the media is now actually covering Biden events.

I’m pissed at his staff, btw. They need to let him cook, then you get stuff like this.

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How does one END something that hasn’t existed in many decades, if ever? (IMHO of course)



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This timeline would have been totally unbelievable on the west wing.


Yeah you do tho

Or am I confusing it with “100%” and several others you like