2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

I finally got around to calling my Congresspeople today to argue why Biden should step aside. Only got a machine for Nadler, but actually talked to a staffer for Schumer. Will try Gillibrand next and then Nadler again. Not much, but it feels better than doing nothing.


It was just refuting your point that people didn’t get behind him. No one even sniffed 81 million votes before, so clearly people did ‘get behind him’.

Nadler already wants him to step down so your job is done

He seems to be flip-flopping on this


Lmao, yeah he sure wafflecrushed in am election that got called on checks notes SATURDAY!

Maybe this will help you read between the lines:

It was just refuting your point that people didn’t get behind him. No one even sniffed 81 million votes before, so clearly people did ‘get behind him’.

Or rather whoever wasnt Orange Man

If that was the case then Bernie would have locked it up easily in the primaries

I mean, hard to deny that was part of Biden’s appeal in the GE no?

Sure, but people still ‘got behind him’


I thought his dropping into a whisper every time he wanted to make a point was creepy


I think older people are mad about this, and it could end up being a factor. Probably not a big enough factor, but maybe. I think the election swings mostly on turnout and this demographic already turns out. Essentially no one is going to switch from Trump to Biden because of this.






Joyce Carol Onion

I really do not know what to make of these polls. Every ounce of common sense I have says that Biden is irreparably damaged, and wasn’t in great shape to begin with. And many people who should know better than me seem to agree. How do we reconcile that with polls like this one?

The other Biden fear that I have, which I’m sure is shared by many, is the fear of worse things to come, and bungled handling of whatever happens. So even in light of positive polls like the above, I am still concerned about the future.

It’s the only well rated poll Biden has won post-debate. It’s possible this means he is heading in the right direction but until we see a lot more of these it’s more likely to be an outlier.

ETA-Biden has always outperformed in this particular poll and has never been behind once this cycle in it going back to August 2023.