2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

president of ukraine=putin, the connection is clear. putin desires ukraine. he’s in ukraine, putin is taking over ukraine.

kamala=trump they both want my job. they’re both out to get me, both of them are planting phony stories with the press about my strict 8pm bedtime.

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Who is/was a worse Dem Presidential Candidate?
  • Hilary Clinton in 2016
  • Joe Biden in 2024
0 voters


I mean it is kind of nuts when you think about it. Trump had plenty of old person gaffes at a much younger age but it’s Biden who is suffering from them at the moment.

In the end, I predict that people will see Trump for the monster he is and get behind Biden like last time even if they hold their nose while doing it.

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Perception is reality. It doesn’t even matter anymore if Joe Biden is mostly there mentally but slow on his feet. The perception (and of course the media is going along with this) is that Joe Biden is doddering old man who can’t lead this country. And he did this to himself! Any low information voter is gonna vote for someone who sounds confident in what he says vs someone who has trouble stringing together a few sentences on the fly.

This country wants Trump and we’re gonna get it one way or another


To me it’s a question of old Trump voters dying and being replaced by new Biden voters over the last four years.

Thing is that I don’t think new voters will be solidly supporting Dems like in the past. If anything, perpetually online people might be more inclined to support Trump over Biden which will definitely make 2024 much closer than 2020.

Never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake

-Michael Scott


I was saying this way before the debate but people just don’t like Joe Biden in 2024. The age and incoherence issues are just the current vehicles to show that. His approval ratings and polling were already bad before the debate and worse now.

He isn’t winning this election and the people continuing to enable him are leading us to disaster.


Trump is trailing among 65 and olders, Republicans lost a huge portion of the largest and most important voting block when they said we are willing to sacrifice you for the good of the economy, oh yeah and we are also going to cut social security and Medicare too. And somehow we are going to end up running the only candidate who they could possibly win this election against.




Too many SSCs running around these days.

People didn’t get behind Biden. He barely won by the skin of his teeth and he is doing much much worse in the polls this time.

Kamala never had the makings of a varsity POTUS.


It would be funny if olds identified with these attacks on Biden’s age/mental fitness and made them more likely to vote for him. Not sure there gonna be enough of those votes, tho.

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81 million votes bruh

2020 was a lifetime ago but didn’t Biden just barely squeak out an electoral college victory? wasn’t AZ and GA and a couple of other states decided by 10s of 1000s of votes? I remember it was quite a nail biter on election day when results were coming in.

I don’t think Biden has gained any support since then.


Yeah but he crushed the popular vote bruh and as you know, that’s the only thing that matters.


That would be super duper impressive if popular vote mattered at all in your system.

The normie perception of Biden is that he is senile and did the inflation to us. I’m not sure how you combat that when you have to hold your breath and hope for no disaster every time you put him in front of the camera.

He did fine last night. But that seems like about his ceiling these days and just doing fine is not going to convince anyone.


“He did fine last night” is the spin-room equivalent of “he’s in stable condition” after a traffic accident.

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