2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

He is the best since Carter but there is lots of reason to believe he won’t be good next term.


Why? How many more kids can he really cage?

Good, let him continue to do this every day until the election so 72% of voters don’t believe he’s incapable of performing the job.


I think he is definitely showing his age, but I don’t think that matters very much as far as what bills he’s going to sign and such. It matters as far as getting elected though.

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The whole Derposphere has been all about “Trump sucks BUT SO DOES Biden”… no idea how many of those people just want Trump and are embarrassed to admit it… but Democrats providing a third option who isn’t 80 years old has to be at worst a coin flip.

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Yep all the low info voters gonna def be raging to go vote for joe now

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How far ahead would she need to be before you jumped aboard the KHive?


It has to be Biden or Harris.

Dems can’t replace a black woman with a white candidate. That leaves all kinds of openings for Trump.

Why can’t she win?

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I’d be excited to see what Kamala could do. She at least gives us some chance.


Idk what skydiver is so upset about. biden convinced me he’s still in control

Which is why he still needs to be defeated, but, yeah, still in control

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I think this is a bullshit line that is consistently pushed. Dems do not need to move from 90 to 96% of black woman, they need to move from 37% to 40% of undecided whites, which is like 50% of the country.

I’m all for Kamala, because I have given up on Biden as a viable candidate, but I think the dems could do much better than Kamala if they actually were tying to win the election instead of protecting various entrenched dem interest groups.

Trump knows this: he doesn’t need to cater more to anti-abortion voters, he already has them. So what if he’s not in favor of a national ban, he wants to win the election, and it’s not like anti-abortion voters have any other option (and he’s already given them more than anyone else in the last 50 years).


Wat? Cliffs?

I’m pretty sure I can pick you out of a lineup, Jack.




Doesn’t matter, because vice president Trump and president Putin.


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Compare the answers joe gave to those questions to how trump would have answered them. That should have been debate night.

That being said, these questions from the press tonight were awful. Every one was, “why won’t you resign, sir?”. And his response was excellent, laugh at the question and be like “wtf are you on about? I’m here at nato negotiating wonderful agreements” and deflect into some policy trivia, the more obscure the better, give em the ol razzle dazzle.

It’s a lay-up for an old pro like biden, he could do this move in his sleep. He did unfortunately reveal his subconscious (or just secret) view that kamala and trump are his two main rivals. That’s probably why he chose to run again, he thinks he’s saving the nation from kamala too.


This is kinda out there imo

I think what it reveals is he has Putin and Trump on the brain, and that his thoughts sometimes get ahead of his ability to speak them.

I hope this frenzy dies down at least a little bit, especially with the RNC coming up, but I fear that most low-info voters who might have turned on the presser just got bored and turned it off again because a steady policy hand is boring.

Yes, that was a “subtweet.”


young reporter: mr president, you promised to serve only one term, as a bridge and to let the younger generation take over. what happened with that?


job’s not finished