2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

With this whispering - is he going for the Godfather here?

Yeah, it needed to be a home run or a bomb and it was neither. So we are absolutely right where we started this afternoon

I think it was much closer to a home run than a bomb, for him.


For him doing lots of work in that sentence.

Glad to hear you guys are at least arguing about his performance. No one was arguing about the debate,



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You want it to be one way motherfucker, it’s the other way.

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“He did great for a guy who has one foot in the grave.”

“No, unless they came back and said there’s no way you can win,” he said.

Who wants to tell him?

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What a shit show. And we (or I at least) once thought MAGA would split the GOP. In five months it’ll be “you hid his condition” dems vs “you ruined it by questioning him” dems. We can argue on the trains.


It’s such an indictment on the state of this country’s politics where some old 81 guy being old on tv despite all indicators of this being the case for a long time now is what moves the needle, and not his actual genocidal actions (by complicity) in israel, and dismal record at the border, which have actually been moving the needle on the left enough to hurt him at a level where he loses come november. I know at least a few people have been shouting the alarm about this for a while in the democrat party but are always shouted down or outfunded by skydiver types, in real life and on here.

As a “leftist” (idiotic word) I am at least happy they are doing gymnastics to spin this as an age/biden thing and not a “omg the far left fucked us again by not wanting to fund the genocide of children” which is how it was leaning for a sec. Maybe gives a chance to actual left leaning candidates whenever the collectively perceived mask is pulled from these lifetime establishment ghouls that have been talking out of 3 sides of their mouths for as long as I’ve been alive. That timed with a collapse of the weird “rule by tech giants” economy/style of govt we have here will fuel enough butts to do something. I have no hope, but that’s the Dr. Strange “one final moonshot” scenario here as far as I can see it.

Come on man

I am permitted some hyperbole

Learning how to lose a thing I never laid a hand on all along

Sorry y’all were bored with actual policy questions with substantive answers. Maybe take some consideration there?


Also, what was the over/under set earlier in tis thread? 9.5 questions? I didn’t vote because I didn’t see it until after, but it was actually 19.

I normally rail against the liberals whining about how they are going to be put in camps when it’s actually something that will happen (and is happening) to other people (mostly undocumented immigrants). No one is getting put into camps because they voted for or knocked doors for Biden. But, LFS’s son is on the Trumper short list maybe for more than one reason.


New York Times: Why Biden must drop out to save our Democracy
New York Times: Why it was a mistake for Biden to drop out


He doesn’t have to convince the people itt.

As I said before, the answers are totally meaningless. The only take away from this will be the many tweets and ticktok videos of him walking weird, stumbling, making errors, forgetting the second part, odd whispers and yelling, inability on read the paper on his desk ect.

Biden is the best POTUS since Carter and no reason to think he wouldn’t be fine next term. No reason other than the fact that he’s going to lose that is