2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

Are you watching the whole thing or just clips of vocal stumbles

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It also feels really out of touch with people’s experience. I think it would go over much better if they acknowledged it rather than trying to tell people that what they’re experiencing isn’t real. Something like “We know prices are still high, we know you’re feeling it, but inflation is slowing down and we’re working hard to bring it down faster.” or something.


I’ve watched every word. Against a bar set by any president before Trump this would be considered an all time terrible performance.

By his own low bar, he is doing far better than I thought.

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On Biden-adjusted terms he’s doing pretty well. Not well enough to stop more knives from coming out tomorrow (I hope anyway).

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On content it’s like the best since FDR

I have to assume you’re weighting immediately-corrected vocal stumbles very high

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Not shitting his pants. Insisting he’s staying in. We’re cooked

Not sure I agree but it’s really irrelevant. It’s 2024. The content is almost completely irrelevant. All that will survive past the 0.0001% of political obsessives like us is the stumbles, sleepy eyes, weird use of the name list ect.

The first family remains committed to the campaign, with first lady Jill Biden and the president’s son, Hunter, both telling confidants that they still believe that the president is the only candidate who can beat Trump, according to the two people familiar.

The first lady has also expressed fear that bowing out would make the Atlanta debate a defining image of her husband’s presidency, an outcome she finds unacceptable, the people said. Biden’s sister, Valerie, also remains committed to the campaign but has not ruled out advocating changes if the race becomes damaging to her brother’s health and legacy.

I was curious who gave the comments.

“People wanted to give him the week because they didn’t want to do it while he’s hosting NATO. But post-NATO, a barrage of people are going to come out,” said a Democratic strategist who works closely with House Democrats. “They also want to see how the press conference goes, but it feels like no one is ever going to forget the debate so it doesn’t matter what he does. I don’t think there’s anything he can do to bring people back into the fold.”


The previous administration put the country in a position that led to higher inflation when I took office.

Prices are still high, especially for the working class. But it is under control now and wages keep outpacing inflation.


Oh. Well I’m listening not watching

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That would actually make it better for sure.

Its live, wtf are you talking about?

It’s obviously playing on lots of audio only formats too.

Well yeah, but I mean, nobody has clips up yet, we are in the middle of it.

He sounds fine, once he is officially the nominee people will vote for him because trump is terrible


Somebody’s never used twitter to follow a live event

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That was a very whiplashy outburst

(Not you, btw. The answer about guns)


That would be a big improvement.

Easy A-/B+ on the Joe curve. I listened to most of it on my walk so no visual cues.


This is the final assessment.