2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)


u wot m8

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The mute function works very well.

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What % of decisions do you think Trump makes /made on a daily basis (as opposed to outsourcing to one of his “unelected officials”). And how many of those decisions involved the crimes that so many of his advisors/employees have been convicted of?


It’s just so hardcoded into the brains of Democrats that their choices can only perform worse than expectations, not better.

I’m sure that when Trump won the Republican nomination in 2016 the Jeb! supporters in the party thought they were going to lose 45 states. But he connected with the worst impulses of the country in a way that kept it close enough to win the stupid electoral college system.

Give Kamala a chance and if she fails, she fails. But I think she has a way better chance of painting a positive vision for the future of America than Joe Biden does from this point forward.


“He will never recover from this,” one Biden campaign official said, according to NBC News.

NBC reported that several of Biden’s closest allies, among them three people involved in his re-election bid, now say they believe the president has no chance of winning the race. Those people also said there is a growing likelihood that if Biden remains as the party’s nominee, Democrats running for election for Congress and other offices will suffer.

“No one involved in the effort thinks he has a path,” a second Biden campaign staffer told NBC News.

Yea I think you can be like Kamala has maybe similar number to joe now but could actually go up whereas joe is going nowhere but down and they are showing no plans as to how they make it go back up

I think this is probably a bit underestimated by those of us that are plugged into political happenings. The casual voter folks haven’t yet been bombarded by videos on social media of Joe being befuddled by challenges like reading teleprompters and completing a sentence. When Trump’s campaign bombards social media channels with this stuff Joe’s numbers are going to get even worse.

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I can’t disagree with that analysis. I guess my feels are that Biden basically has so little win equity that the only shot is a new approach that has higher variance to both the upside and the downside. But I also know that it is easier to say that because my job is no way tied to Biden continuing to run/stay in office.


I think that’s true but people expect there to be a benefit to switching. They’re likely to be disappointed. Yes the he’s too old story might go away but then we’ll get she’s unlikeable or coconut tree lady or whatever. We’re not in a good spot any way I look at it.

I want to see Dems run Kamala with another female for VP. Double female historic ticket might have a chance to drown out the Biden noise and Kamala’s likability problem.

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I understand that argument, and maybe I’m just reluctant to pull the trigger. It’s one time I’m glad I have no actual effect on the world.

This is from g Elliot morris the economist pollster dude


I just think her poll numbers are likely to go down once she’s the pick. I worry we’re looking at this

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Yeah, even though I feel one way now I can understand the arguments from both perspectives and I don’t envy the folks who are actually making the call.

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So this…. Trump has taken his foot waaaaayyy off the gas since the debate. Every indication is that they are praying Joe stays in the race and are just waiting to unleash holy hell once he is locked into the nomination.

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That’s what I would do. Just chill out while this Democratic infighting plays out, have a smooth, competent rollout of the VP nom and a no/low drama R convention. Then, come out guns blazing after the Dem convention.

Dems are going back to their classic move of… signal-boosting Trump talking points? Basically giving Republicans free advertising, just can’t see why this party lost to a geriatric gameshow host.


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