2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

“This is the first time Harley has posted — let’s welcome them to our community!”

Is “get a load of this motherfucker here?” a good welcome message?


The veil came off too quickly for it to be entertaining.


My favorite part about having given up entirely is that I don’t get mad at the garbage anymore. It is what it is and will continue to pile up. Ill just point and laugh at the morons playing around in it.

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Pretty sure there has to be a veil first for it to come off. This one just came in with their face covered in shit.


The movie Showgirls was once reviewed as “what happens when the wrong decision is made at every decision point during the creation a movie.”

This dems during this Biden campaign remind me a lot like that. Just keep making the wrong decisions at every turn.

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No unelected government official has ever made a decision in the history of the US. We can’t let it happen now.


Yeah but when will our “Everybody’s got aids and shit” moment come?

Probably in 2025 during Trump’s first year in office.

Surely you can spot the difference between what you are saying and electing a literal puppet that would make exactly zero decisions himself the next 4 years. I know you aren’t actually this obtuse.

In my conversations with Biden aides, I’ve come to believe that they see interviews and town halls and news conferences as bizarre media obsessions. They don’t trust Biden to perform in those settings, but they also don’t think it matters. They’ve persuaded themselves that the job of the president is the job of making good decisions, and they think Biden is still capable of making those decisions. Whether he can survive 60 minutes with Chris Wallace, to them, is akin to whether he can do 20 push-ups: interesting, but irrelevant.

They’re wrong. Even if you harbor no doubts about Biden’s fitness for the job, it’s indisputable that he cannot govern well if he loses to Donald Trump. And what Biden and his aides have refused to grapple with is that most voters thought Biden was too old to be an effective president long before the debate. Biden’s emerging line that this is an elite obsession — or plot against him — gets it backward. Democratic elites have been trying to ignore what voters have been telling them in poll after poll after poll. In fact, voters now believe that Democratic elites have been actively covering up evidence of Biden’s deterioration — and they may well be right.

Biden needs to persuade the country — not just Democrats — that he is up to the job he seeks. The best, and perhaps the only, way to do it is to put himself in the situations that voters now doubt he can survive. That means doing town halls and news conferences and lengthy interviews — lots of them, starting right now. He could go further: If Biden is as capable as he claims, he should consider accepting Trump’s challenge of additional debates.

This is what congressional Democrats should demand of Biden: a schedule of events that shows them, and the country, that he is fit for the office and can hold onto it. Yes, Biden has a news conference scheduled for Thursday and an interview with NBC’s Lester Holt next week. There need to be more, and these and other events need to be serious and sustained. Biden needs to prove himself in public, under pressure, repeatedly. He needs to talk to Hill Democrats in private, without a teleprompter, until they are confident in his capacities. This is not too much to ask of a president running for re-election. It is the bare minimum.



Let’s say you are right and electing Trump would lead to “more democracy”. Is that something I should care about? If so, why?

Wait till Harley realizes almost all of us don’t want Biden to run.

I think this is true and underappreciated or ignored.


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My favorite part about the whole “herp derp unelected official” argument is that the elected ones are on average less qualified to do the job. Yeah, my dumbass neighbor who pounds on the window when a dog puts one paw on her lawn, who decides to run for office because she doesn’t like To Kill a Mockingbird being taught in school, and who wins because she lives in an overwhelmingly red district, definitely has enough expertise to sit on the House Committee on Energy and Commerce.

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I feel like ordinarily that would be a big issue but really hard to imagine a ton of voter who currently support Biden despite the age stuff (presumably because they don’t like Trump) would suddenly not support whoever Ds chose instead. Feels like Biden support would be immediately transferred to any generic D more than typically would be expected.

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Wait till you lot realize I don’t want Trump to win, but prefer him over Biden.

Please continue. I am taking you very seriously, because you are clearly not an imbecile.


Are we really comparing some rando congressman with no power to POTUS? You think its ok for POTUS level decisions to be made unilaterally by unknown unelected officials?

Please don’t.