2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

this is still half copium on my part but the pressure will get too great and he’s gonna drop. The last two weeks have been miserable but when push comes to shove comes to hip replacement nobody wants to be remembered as some combo of nevillle chamberlain, general custer, and a tortoise losing an argument with a teleprompter. I almost hope it takes another week because it raises the chances they’re not just going to anoint kamala and are being strategic about both conventions

I do not want Biden to resign, only to drop out of the race.

The reason has nothing to do with his capability at this point and everything to do with logistics.

If Biden resigns and Harris takes over, we don’t have a vice president. And we need one on the off chance that Clarence drives his RV off a cliff.

Well she would bring out her VP pick with her, thats the Batista in the above pic.

I only choose resignation because of incumbant advantages.

Biden is Flair, for obv reasons.

And no, not the Space Mountain reasons.

25th amendment:

Whenever there is a vacancy in the office of the Vice President, the President shall nominate a Vice President who shall take office upon confirmation by a majority vote of both Houses of Congress.

You can see why the bolded would be a problem.

Fuck, well nevermind. For some reason I thought it was senate only.

Thats a pretty huge oversight by the 1960s congress (shockedpikachu, I know)

You ruined my possible drug fueled fantasies and evolution picture I hope you know

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I also thought Biden would step down by now, but I’m not exactly shocked that the guy who ran for president three (?) separate times in three separate decades and spent his political career lying about all sorts of shit is suddenly revealed to be a narcissist unwilling to let go of power.

Whoever said “the worst thing possible that Dems could do here is drag out the calls for Biden to step back but for Biden to refuse and be the eventual nominee” was dead on, and it’s hilarious that it appears to be the path we’re headed down now. Just a reminder that all of these people suck.


I don’t know why everyone is freaking out. Biden is going to dominate and destroy trump.

Hot Take: Now that you can’t attack Trump solely from the “unfit for office” angle any more, Dems are forced to concentrate on attacking his politics. That should lead to a more competent debate, and, in turn, to a Democratic victory.



Oh sweet summer child.

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Lookin good


Ah, yes, that robust Blue Wall. I hope Joe has had the Army Corp of Engineers working overtime to shore it up, 'cuz it was a little shaky in 2016 when Hillary tried to rely on it.

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Maybe they should attack Trump on immigration…or on his promises of unconditional support for war in Gaza…oh, wait.


Trump is going to end our democracy!!

Proceeds to vote for the guy that requires unelected officials making the decisions…

Make it make sense

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Lesser of two evils. By far. What’s hard to understand about that?


one of the evils is very clearly a vote against democracy, allowing unelected officials to make unilateral decisions for the country. The other is a boogeyman conjured up in the leftwing hive mind that no one in power actually believes to be true.

Ah, this should end well.

Who wants popcorn?


Ill just leave this here

project 2025 lololololol, drink more koolaid son.