2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

I don’t think, “I’m going to let business stop paying you overtime” is one of Trump’s talking points.

It’d be easier to talk about how batshit crazy Project 2025 is if the entire media wasn’t talking about how incompetent Joe is. Gjge

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Seems mostly positive to me, maybe not the ash trays in restaurants again though.


They would be incredibly negligent if they didn’t


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Man, that saves Republicans a lot of trouble if the Dems can come up with and broadcast entirely new talking points.

Is there a single consumer product that markets itself this way? What if Apple iphone advertising was just a bullet point list of what Samsung promises their new phone will do? At least bill Trump for all the free advertising Team Biden is doing on his behalf.

“I’m going to let businesses stop paying Urban Thugs, Illegals, and Men Pretending to Be Women overtime!”

“I like that he says what we’re all thinking!”

Going straight to Harris might be necessary for Biden to drop out because then everyone gets to keep their jobs.

Most people aren’t going to talk themselves out of a job.

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I often think I should read more history. But why bother? Lots of people don’t know shit.


I got this from NYT this morning

A long history

The scandal is almost as old as the United States itself: The president has a health problem that he and his aides try to shroud from the public. Only later — years later, in some cases — does the severity become clear.

The list of cover-ups is remarkably long. After a mysterious illness caused James Madison to miss meetings with senators in 1813, he blamed a watch malfunction. During Chester Arthur’s only term as president, he hid a kidney ailment that likely contributed to his death a year after he left office. Grover Cleveland’s aides lied about a surgery in 1893 — performed on a friend’s yacht — to excise a tumor in his mouth.

Woodrow Wilson spent his last year and a half as president debilitated by strokes while his wife and doctor secretly carried out some presidential duties. Franklin D. Roosevelt concealed the ailments that led to his death months after he won the 1944 election. Dwight Eisenhower’s doctor initially described his heart attack in 1955 as “a digestive upset.” John F. Kennedy’s aides lied about his Addison’s disease. Ronald Reagan’s administration hid the extent of his injuries after he was shot in 1981 and the signs of his dementia in later years. Donald Trump misled the public about the severity of his Covid illness.

President Biden and his aides have become part of this presidential tradition. They have minimized and managed his public appearances to hide his age-related decline, according to reporting by The Times and other news organizations. Even as he has become confused or lost the thread of conversations more often in recent months, he and his aides have insisted he remained sharp and vigorous.

The truth seems quite different. The actor George Clooney wrote in a Times Opinion essay yesterday that he noticed Biden’s struggles at a fund-raiser Clooney co-hosted three weeks ago. “He wasn’t even the Joe Biden of 2020,” Clooney wrote. “He was the same man we all witnessed at the debate.”

Pelosi’s coded message

What happens next? The Democratic Party remained in a crisis of indecision yesterday, but there was some movement away from Biden.

Nancy Pelosi — the former speaker of the House, who commands widespread respect in the party and is a longtime Biden ally — made cryptic but pointed remarks on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” show. “It’s up to the president to decide if he is going to run,” she said, ignoring his insistence that he was running. “Time is running short.”

Yesterday evening, Peter Welch of Vermont became the first senator to call on Biden to step aide. In the House, Pat Ryan of New York and Earl Blumenauer of Oregon became the eighth and ninth Democrats to urge Biden to quit the race.

Democrats have no formal way to deny Biden the nomination, given his victories in this year’s primaries. Instead, senior figures in the party would need to persuade him that he could not win or pressure him through public statements and withheld campaign donations.

Some Democrats continue to believe that a weakened Biden is a stronger nominee than Vice President Kamala Harris or the winner of an unknown process to replace him. Privately, though, many Democratic officials say they now think Biden is too wounded to beat Trump. An article in The Atlantic, by Tim Alberta, reported that Trump’s top campaign officials consider Biden an almost ideal opponent because of his image of weakness.

If Biden manages to stay in the race and win, there will be at least partial precedent. Roosevelt, Eisenhower and Reagan all won elections — and even had major accomplishments — after they misled the public about their health.

If Biden drops out, he will become part of a different tradition — presidents whose condition was too serious or obvious to survive their attempts at spin. In 1884, some of Arthur’s allies tried to have him renominated even as he dealt with Bright’s disease, his kidney ailment. In 1920, a debilitated Wilson expressed a desire to run for a third term. Neither Arthur nor Wilson ended up on the ballot, however.


I get that because of our dumb system team Biden is holding the wheel now, but if he decides to drop, does team Pelosi get the keys back, or would the Bidenses get a consequential say in what happens next? Apologies bc I’m just a stream of consciousness root canal at this point but surely a beleaguered Biden wouldn’t still have the muscle to say ok, he’ll drop from the race, but only on these conditions dot dot dot . . . ?

I’m spiritually on team anyone but Joe for frankly moral reasons, but because right now the only thing that matters is winning, I mean idk, simply coronating kamala feels like it might be worse? there’s just no way to know. Goddamn just figure out a speed dating process, why is everyone so fearful of finding out who the only voters that matter actually want to vote for? yes it’s a huge risk but it feels way less risky than just sitting here for four months crossing our fingers and shrugging at everything, and the potential upside is the first authentically hopeful thing this party’s accidentally stumbled into in ages. Honestly the lack of imagination and overall sense of gimp submission going around is turning my head into a cartoon steam engine



You have to hand it to the fascists, they’re really good at unifying around a message.



Please let it be Palin, pleass let it be Palin, please let it be Palin

Would you vote for that ticket against Trump?

The campaign and people around Joe know he isn’t fit. There is so much smoke.



Alex Thompson on twitter has the actual audio too. One of the parts they removed was Biden saying: “I have more Blacks in my administration than any other president”.

This is pathetic. Pretty fucked up that Biden’s aides asked for those clips to be removed. And even more fucked up that the radio station agreed.

To piggyback on Nate Silver’s tweet above, this is Russia style controlled media shit.


O/U 9.5 questions taken by Biden at this press conference?

  • Over
  • Under
0 voters

The campaign and people close to Biden have A TON of culpability in this whole situation. They obviously covered up his conditon for months. Dude hasn’t done a press conference in 8 months.

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He just called Zelenskyy Putin but corrected himself