2024 US Presidential Election: Final Fortnight

I’ve got to admit that I’ve developed strong feelings about the Harris campaign while having no real idea what the campaign is actually doing. Like, I’ve seen @Trolly and others hammer this point, and I’ve just adopted it, as well - It’s clear that the campaign should be targeting Latino voters, and they’re not!

And then this morning, I’m stunned to find out that she actually did an interview with Telemundo last night. I had no idea.

And I’m guessing that the campaign has done a ton of other events that I’ve been similarly unaware of. I have to acknowledge that most of my extremely strong opinions about the election have no basis in fact, and I’m going entirely based on my own emotional (and volatile) vibes. Not great!

Fortunately, the strongly held beliefs in every other aspect of my life are free of this bias, and only rooted in the firmest of evidence and logic.


Yea Texas isn’t in play, but Cruz is unpopular since he did his vacation to Cancun during Snowmageddon. He still might eek by, but I wish he wouldn’t.

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Invisibility would be a good power to have but it could just be people haven’t gotten their stuff yet. My hat still incoming.

I don’t mind them doing an event in Texas. I don’t think Texas is in play this year, but maybe eventually the cities will be big enough to flip it. It was only a 5.6% margin in 2020, so why not do a stop there. Cruz losing is not impossible as well (very low chance, I know).

Does it even matter whether events are local or not? If a Houston event gets national media coverage, seems good even if Texas isn’t in play?


“More than 870,000 Texans turned out to vote on Monday, with turnout particularly high in Democratic hotspots. The first day of early voting broke previous records with 4.7% of all registered Texan voters casting their ballot, the Texas Secretary of State’s Office reported. Between 2016 and 2024, Texas’ share of registered voters increased by 22%, seven percent higher than its population growth, The Hill reports. The number of those who vote has also increased from 58% in 2016 to 66% in 2020. The increase in voters in Texas appears to be benefitting the Democrats, with elections becoming much closer races in recent years.”

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Ooof I just looked at the Doordash chart :sweat_smile:

I think it depends on how it gets covered:

A) “Vice President Harris held a huge rally where talked about how Texas was the canary in the coal mine for restrictions on reproductive rights that Republicans want to implement across the country, slammed Senator Ted Cruz for abandoning the state during a fatal cold snap, and, oh, yeah, rocked out to Beyonce” = seems good.

B) “In the final days of the campaign, Harris moved away from the crucial battleground states of Michigan and Pennsylvania to once again persue the prize that has eluded so many Democratic Presidential hopefulls… Texas. Bob, Harris is currently down X% in Texas, so why is she spending time there in the waning days of the campaign?” = Not great.

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I’m doom-pilled, but I thought the Univision interview went quite well for Harris and poorly for Trump.

I don’t know how exactly to win over Latino voters, but man, it only would take peeling off a small chunk of casual/first-time voters to flip Texas, which would be apocalyptic for the Republican Party. This should have been the #1 focus for them over the past decade.

So I’m sure we’re all getting texts from friendly folks doing text banking for the good guys. My default reaction is to treat them like spam calls and never ever answer or else you get noted as having a confirmed active number.

Someone mentioned getting positive replies that made them feel good about doing the Lord’s work, so I’d happily send back some of my trademark good-spirited witticisms, but also don’t really want to get flagged as a true believer and get a thousand contacts a day.

What say we?


as watching soccer is the entirety of my Spanish media consumption, I can confirm seeing a Kamala ad this week during the Champions League… This is more than I could ever say for Hillary or Joe. So there’s that.

This is a hate crime. Absolutely despicable behavior.


Given the state of things in Montana, I’m ok with throwing whatever they need into Texas to improve their chances of beating the Zodiac Killer and saving the Senate. He’s as vulnerable as he’s ever going to get this cycle.


You are already being contacted the maximum “they have determined makes sense” with a lot of other words behind the quoted words so I would go nuts.

Live report from the PHX sky train

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Can confirm at least from my POV that the people I’ve met who are considering voting for Trump are in my corner for trans rights, though it’s not a defining issue unfortunately.


What was the closest Beto got in the polls?

He had a few polls that showed him barely ahead or tied, but the average was probably around Cruz +5.

Beto lost by 2.5.

It’s probably important to mention that it was not a presidential election year.

Thats true, I forgot it was an off year. Hey, if Allred pulls it off ill pop some bubbly regardless of how the pres election turns out but im not hopeful